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Debden Asked August 2014

How do I find out if person helping them has guardianship, power attorney and what they are suppose to be?

My Aunt & Uncle live in missouri. I live 3000 miles away my uncle is living at home I am not feeling safe for him with neighbor is helping him she has changed here phone number I have ask uncle for new number and he says he will get it from her next time she is over. He seem ok but she did try to buy his house but was unable to for some reason do to care for them I am not getting straight answer from uncle. My aunt is in a medical lodge just being comfortable on her last days with neighbor making all the decisions my uncle says he is but she some kind of authority but he gives me un sure answers. I just want to make sure he has things in order for himself why did he need to sell house? They have no children just in laws and my brother & I and our kids. I talk to my uncle twice a week do not want to put him in fear.

Debden Aug 2014
Thanks for letting me vent everyone I just got a call that my Aunt Nev passed this am and is in the arms of Jesus. Overwhelm and heart broken and wish I would have went ahead and call Uncle back yesterday and ask him to take phone to her and let me say good by but I was intimated by the person helping my advice is JUST CALL ANYWAY Blessings

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2014
Who is this person and what is her authority over your aunt and uncle?


Debden Aug 2014
Ok so today just found person helping my uncle doesn't want me to have her phone # His was afraid or didnot want to hurt my feelings which did. But also found out by accident not thru him but by when my Aunt's niece her brothers daughter when to medicalogde care last Saturday she was at she was gone and they would tell her where to because person taking care didnot want info released even to family so she went to their house she was there with person with hops care to start they got to see her but was not even allow to hold her hand wow alittle overwhelmed

jeannegibbs Aug 2014
I know you are trying to do the right thing by your job, but I have a feeling that you will regret it if you don't go visit, and soon. It is surely more important that you do this now than it would be for you to take time off for Aunt's funeral.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2014
Is it possible that somehow this neighbor got guardianship? I believe that would be a matter of public record.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2014
Can you call local authorities for a wellness check on your uncle?

sharynmarie Aug 2014
Either go out on FMLA emergency leave or go to your dr claiming stress and go on on disability. The only way you are going to know what is going on is to be there first hand.

Debden Aug 2014
Yeah I have done the world wind trip many time before with losses in family members but still will have to wait till have staff to cover me I live in alaska so alway one day travel there and one day back so that leaves two to three days in Missouri but that's my plan for now thanks

Rocknrobin Aug 2014
You may not be able to get a whole week off, but how about a 3 or 4 day weekend?

Debden Aug 2014
In process of trying to get in touch with my aunt's siblings you see my aunt is married to my daddy's little brother but is also was my mom's first cousins my mom grew up with them she was an only child and one of my aunt brothers has same concerns but has physical & medical issues. I guess I just need encouragement that what I am able to do is enough any ideas?

Debden Aug 2014
Yes really want to do this even more today after talking to my uncle and still no phone # from neighbor but right now unable to get time off from work

GardenArtist Aug 2014
I agree; time for a vacation to visit your uncle and your aunt, who apparently is in a terminal state. That's good cover for learning more about this neighbor.

MaggieMarshall Aug 2014
Spend a week at his home and see what's going on for yourself. There's no way to get good answers from 3,000 miles away.


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