Could Mom be forced into NH or AL? Some in family claim I could be accused of neglect! Mom has dementia. Started with 1st TIA, worse with 2nd. Took to neurologist after 1st, and tests came out okay. Delay in going back after 2nd TIA due to Mom's bad intestinal issues. Had to cancel several appts, so finally got her to agree to ER, who never called neurologist. Tried to make more immediate appt after ER visit but because of previous cancelled appts neuro gave appt in one month (now down to 2 weeks). Some family say I could get neglect charge since it's been so long? Mom also fights me on doctors. Would neuro have given pills to slow down dementia, so therefore neglect? I also have fibromyalgia, arthritis and chronic back pain, but so far I am fine taking care of her, but evidently lacking in forcing her to doctor before even with intestinal issues. I'm getting... pushed to call Elder Services now. Seems to be more about neglect than as to if Mom or I need the help. Adds to my stress when I think we're doing okay. Mom also gets upset when I mention someone coming into home.
4 Answers
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Persons who have never done hands-on caregiving for someone with dementia have no idea how very hard it can be to get a loved one to a doctor! ER is one thing, and you did get her there. A doctor is another thing altogether. Did these family members come over and help get mother ready to go to the doctor in spite of her intestinal issues, and then to take her?
Whether you got the appointment tomorrow or a month from now really won't make a lot of difference in the dementia outcome. There is no cure for dementia, and drugs for the symptoms will start when/if she gets them. It is usually very helpful to see a specialist such as a neurologist, so you are doing the right thing.
I am sorry that your family is trying to make you feel guilty. That is not helpful or fair.
I do think it would be a very good idea to call an agency to find out what help might be available to you. It should not be Elder Protective Services Program -- that is about abuse, and that is NOT what is going on here. Call SeniorConnection instead, as that is the link to Massachusetts Area Agency's on Aging. They can help you identify resources that Mom might need and qualify for and tell you how to contact those resources.
It is highly unlikely that Mom would be forced into a care center. It is generally less expensive to provide some help in the home that to place someone in a care center. And even if some agency suggested that Mom has rights to make her own decisions.
You both deserve help. Take the initiative in finding out what help is available -- but call the right agency!
Come back and keep us informed about how things are working out for you.