He is in his 80's and has Parkinson's Disease. He has been in the rehab center for months now as he keeps having set backs, such as falling out of bed and breaking his hand. He originally went into rehab after breaking his hip and was improving and taking part in PT. The rehab place did not bath him for 3 weeks and have not been giving him his medication on time. A doctor told my family that this specific medication can cause mood swings if not given at the same time every day. My Grandfather has become delirious and has been refusing to take part in PT. He has fallen out of bed multiple times requiring hospitalization, once because he was trying to reach the button to call for help to use the bathroom. My family is struggling to know what to do. We have found new rehab centers to move him to, but he is always denied, as they contact his current rehab center and they report that he has hit staff twice. They also said he had to be hospitalized because of these incidents, which is not true, my family was unaware that these had even happened (if they had). We feel that he is being mistreated but do not know how to get him out of his current situation.
3 Answers
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We think of Parkinsons as just a little tremor. It eventually reaches all parts of the body and breaks down even the brain. At some point soon he will need Hospice, when he is bedridden and stops eating. Nobody can improve his health, you just make sure he is comfortable and calmed by meds.