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LAMARQUE8 Asked August 2014

What about a resident's form of transportation?

My father was first told he would be able to have his vehicle and then he was told no. Do you offer any modes of transportation if residents aren't allowed their own vehicle?

LAMARQUE8 Aug 2014
It is not in Rumford, ME. It is in Auburn, ME. They have independent living, assisted living.

pamstegma Aug 2014
I don't see any Independent Living in Rumford ME. You really need to tell us more. What facility are you referring to? If it is an Assisted Living facility, residents there usually don't drive.


freqflyer Aug 2014
Usually most independent living facilities offer resident transportation, usually it a small bus where the residents can go get groceries or to doctor appointments. You will need to check with the facility management.

You will also need to check with management as to why your Dad can no longer have his vehicle. Is there an extra charge for parking and that fee wasn't being paid?

vegaslady Aug 2014
Who are you talking to?


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