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heydeb Asked August 2014

When I cry there are no tears. Why would there be no tears?

My MIL is more than I can handle. I'm feeling so stressed.

pamstegma Aug 2014
Sobbing without tears or tears without sobbing both point to extreme stress.
See your MD in the AM.

Angelkw Aug 2014
Are you on an anti depressant or anti psychotic medication? These medications have effects on crying (crying without tears, inability to cry at all, etc.) I wish you well on your caregiving journey. If you don't take care of yourself first, you won't be able to care for anyone else.



MaggieMarshall Aug 2014
Tears are an autonomic response. We don't think about creating tears. They just happen. Of all the things you probably have to worry about, I find it fascinating that you think about that. ;) ;)

Chalk it up to stress . . . and if you share what's going on, perhaps we have some ideas for you from our own experiences that can ease it.


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