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BoniChak Asked August 2014

When will I learn that arguing with a demented person is futile?

Seriously! When! I thought I already learned this. My mind must be going as well.

BoniChak Aug 2014
You are so right Maggie!

anonymous158299 Aug 2014
i stood on the front porch and watched my mom stand in the grass and hurl tools into the driveway as far as she could throw them . she was going to die soon and lose her beautiful home . i could see she was hurting . i never spoke a word until she was done then led her back into the house . near the end of life all you can do is follow them closely to catch em if they fall and let em act out . the 4 yr old mentality will regress to 2 or 1 .. it gets harder is all im sayin .


MaggieMarshall Aug 2014
You've learned it. You know it. You just don't always REMEMBER it. ;)

pamstegma Aug 2014
She's probably thinking the same thing.....


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