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Imblessed Asked August 2014

What is the best way to get my parents from driving?

I live with them and try to do most of the driving, but they still wont give up keys! I have talked to them and explained I do not, as well as my siblings like the fact that they drive still! They actually agreed, but 2 days later, my Dad had a fit and couldn't handle the fact that I was taking his keys! It's hard to handle as a daughter....taking driving away from them, but I know it's for the best! Right now I just try to do most of the driving, but they will take off as soon as I am not looking, or not home! They don't go very far from home, except my Dad sometimes, but they are 88 years old and don't have what it takes to be a safe enough driver for themselves and others! Does the Secretary of State get involved at all? Any suggestions would help!

littletonway Aug 2014
You hear a noise from the car, something is wrong, have "someone" take it to the auto repair shop and it stays there until you get Dad tested and pray he doesn't pass! You just got to do what has to be done! No driving until he passes the test! Tell him it is the law at his age.

MaggieMarshall Aug 2014
That's exactly why this site is a Godsend. It allows us all to learn from each other.

You go, girl!


Imblessed Aug 2014
I understand your concern about them being on the road and please understand this is all new to me and I didn't know what others did when this arises! I just started to be concerned and I did hear that I could right a letter to the Secretary of State, so I am doing that! Because I am in the house, starting to be the "at home care giver", I am learning as I go! Thank you for your words and suggestions!

brandywine1949 Aug 2014
Please don't let then drive if they are not able to drive. My daughter and granddaughter are out there counting on you.

MaggieMarshall Aug 2014
Here's your solution:

"Michigan law authorizes the Department of State to reexamine a driver when there is reason to believe the driver may be unable to operate a motor vehicle safely. The Department relies on information from law enforcement, medical personnel, Secretary of State branch staff, and concerned citizens, including family members, to identify unsafe drivers."

Write a letter and all siblings sign it. Here's the link for more information:,4670,7-127-1627_8665_9066-23762--,00.html

The state will be the bad guy. If he passes, he drives. If he doesn't? They pull his license, his insurance is cancelled and the keys are yours.

Don't wait. There's a car with a mom and her two babies driving around right now counting on you.


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