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fligirl58 Asked August 2014

Is it normal if I tell my Mom not to take a shower because I will be gone at the dr?

I get home and she took a shower. She usually gets up at around 2 pm and that is with me waking her up. so she takes a shower at 11 when I am gone. I had to go to the dentist and I said now please do not cook anything. I come home and she burned the bacon on the stove. I guess I should not say anything. I think I just answered my own question

MaggieMarshall Aug 2014
Yeah, you answered it yourself. The shower? Maybe not a whole lot you can do about that UNLESS you want to get a lock for the outside of the door, put a potty chair in her bedroom, and lock the bathroom when you're gone.

But the stove? Listen to HeartToHeart. Take the knobs off when you're gone.

If I might share with you a short story of someone who didn't take that advice? His brother, living alone just after his sister died, a raging uncontrolled diabetic. I told my friend, his brother, to shut off the stove (in this case, because the stove would never /should never be used).

"Oh, that's not necessary." TWO DAYS LATER! Brother was cooking a pizza in the oven. When he pulled it out, he burned his hand -- badly -- and, worse, the pizza landed on his thighs somehow, and he wound up with second degree burns, diabetic complications and three weeks in the hospital.

Stoves and dementia absolutely do not mix.

Everything's "normal" with dementia. No surprises that you have all KINDS of surprises! Just an all-out effort to think ahead and solve those hazards/problems you can think of . . . and then solve each and every one as it arises.

freqflyer Aug 2014
fligirl58, wonder if you said the opposite what would happen? Like saying, "I'll be gone for a couple of hours, that's enough time for you to shower" :)


Heart2Heart Aug 2014
Can you take the knobs off of the stove (when you're gone)?
I understand your concerns about her safety (I go through the same things).


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