My father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's 5 years ago. He is still very functional but does not cook and needs cuing to shower. There are six children so someone is with him always. My Dad is very lucid all day but is a sundowner and becomes completely forgetful of the days events and the person who were with him earlier. Before he goes to bed he asks where my Mother is. On one recent occasion I told him she was in heaven. It was like he heard it for the first time even though he has dealt with it well during the day. He was so sad, cried for hours and even made statements that he was thinking of killing himself. It was painful to see him grieve so inconsolably. Two days later he asked again where Mom was. This time I told him that she was in the hospital being treated for pneumonia. He was obviously very concerned and asked why he had not been in to see her . I told him he did see her and would be going in again. He was fine with this answer and told me to say a prayer for her, went bed and slept soundly through the night. It is my feeling that I while he is sundowning he can not thoroughly process and I am only causing him more harm and pain. During the day when he is clear and lucid I will always tell him the truth about my mothers death . Please give me some feedback as I have siblings who feel we should be truthful and help imprint my mothers passing at all times.
25 Answers
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Go with your gut. Do what's easiest for you. Ignore siblings' well-meaning advice on this subject. If it continues to be a problem, don't discuss that issue with them.
I don't agree with your siblings. I don't think it's fair or right to try to "imprint" your mom's death upon your dad over and over until he gets it. It's cruel. And dementia doesn't work that way. When he hears that she has passed away he grieves and is upset and inconsolable as anyone would be. Why would your siblings want to put him through that everyday? That he doesn't know where your mom is everyday is evidence that he is unable retain information, that you have to explain to him everyday where she is demonstrates that information he is given doesn't stick. And forcing her death down his throat day after day is wrong.
If you are his main caregiver then what you say goes. You might have to put your foot down on this one to protect your dad from well meaning but clueless siblings.
I wonder why it's so crucial to your siblings that your dad know and understand the truth? First of all, it's not possible. Not with dementia. So why would they be so insistent on telling him that his wife is dead day after day after day until he "gets it"? This information will hurt him everyday and he will go through the pain of her loss everyday. What is wrong with your siblings?
Those who think you always tell the truth...period....(without evaluation), you always do this or that...must lack experience in caregiving & making decisions...they are "Monday morning quarterbacking" from the sidelines. My experience has shown me there are no absolutes for every person, every circumstance. There IS grey area. With that said...I agree with so many others here Boflans1...follow your gut. I think you've done the right thing.
I am pretty sure I saw on an Alzheimer's/Dementia site that you are not meant to correct them. I think it is on here...
Find advice from experts and show this to siblings. I think there is an element of guesswork going on here as to what is best for dad.
Pretty sure the official websites for his condition will have advice.
Ideally you need to be on the same page, but if it's you that puts him to bed each night then you do what you are doing and don't tell them.
Sounds like your dad and mum did a great job raising you all, you all being their for him now is lovely to see (and rare on this website!)
God bless you all xxx
Maybe an answer similar to this " mom's health situation developed to needing much rest, so she is resting now." Should the desire to go see her while she is resting, might be handled like, "it is best to not disturb her while she is resting now." If ask where she is resting, you might get away with giving the name of the town where resting; even calling it a special facility for those who need a special type resting care, where they can rest and not be disturbed. Observation while trying varied approaches to keep the elderly one most comfortable might be considered. Who needs to cause them to grieve (continuously ) over lose of their loved one , if it is not necessary? When actually there is nothing one can do about it, but continue on with their individual lives. A hug to the family. joylee
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