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mommygirl Asked August 2014

Why can't I find one long term care nursing home?

Everywhere I check they all have waiting list, and I am getting big afraid of lifting mom due to my pregnancy. My mom has been very selfish lately she is so needy. I was told to take her to the hospital she will find a bed quicker. I asked her case mgmt he said if they are full the hospital will discharge her back home. I am so overwhelming with this whole process. I did not know it was that hard finding one ltc bed.

Eyerishlass Aug 2014
Yes, the hospital social worker can find her a bed if your mom has nowhere to go upon discharge. If you can't take care of her anymore (and you shouldn't since you are very pregnant) the hospital will find her a bed in a nursing home.

The downside to that is that it may not be a NH that is close to you or one you would have picked yourself.

And you would also have to get your mother admitted to the hospital first. No small feat but easier for elderly people.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2014
If your mom is in the hospital and has no place to be discharged to ( i.e. you state that you can no longer care for her) then the discharge planners will find her a bed. Does she have dementia? Caring for an immobile elder and a newborn? Doesn't sound possible to me. Do you have outside help? Who is going to look after her while you're giving birth and recovering?



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