Why can't I get my SSD benefits when I turn 66 and I can retire?
Hi, can you help me? I turned 65 in March so I called to retire and they said I can't I will stay on s.s.d. i will not get my raeis only the cost of liven y cant i get my benafits i worked 4 them and is tis the same 4 all desabled ?
I am a federal disability retiree. My pension and SS amounts depend on each other. I really never gave it much thought. I was lead to believe that your disability benefit would be higher than your regiular SS. Thanks for the information, good to know.
Kathy11, when you are on disability YOU don't have the choice of when you switch to retirement benefits. Social Security does this for you when you reach your full retirement age, not any sooner. For them it's just a bookkeeping change....for you there is NO DIFFERENCE in the amount of the payment. Call them up and ask.
I'm on SS disability. It is to your advantage to wait till 66 your full retirement age to make the switch from SS disability to SS. I believe disability payments are higher than your SS benefits will be. You can visit a SS office near you, and talk to a person. They can explain it better to you. Good luck
Well I guess we can tell that your primary disability is not physical.. So let's try again. My husband paid into Social Security and qualified for disability benefits. The standards for paying into SS are different for disability and retirement. If a person becomes disabled earlier in life it is not expected that they will be able to earn as many quarters and so the rules are different. When you start getting disability you are getting benefits early and you don't get a jump in payments just because you managed to live to your full retirement age. From your confused posts it appears that you didn't have enough quarters to earn retirement benefits anyhow but did qualify for disability. So that's the hand that's been dealt to you. Get over this. It is what it is. If you can understand this, move on. Go back to the doctor and see if you are correctly using your meds. Good luck.
Keytop, I'm sorry, this must be frightening and disappointing. I'm afraid that you're confusing Social Security disability payments and private disability insurance.
As I understand it, Social Security disability pays what you would have got if you had been eligible to retire at the time you became disabled. This is based on the number of years you worked and what your income was in those years. The amount doesn't go up when you reach any particular age.
Private disability insurance is entirely different. It has nothing at all to do with Social Security, and it's not a government program. Some employers offer private disability insurance to their employees as a benefit, the same way they offer health insurance, and some don't. It may be 1/2 or 2/3 of your regular salary but it lasts only a certain number of weeks or months and when the time is up, it's gone.
Keytop, I looked into this for my husband who has been on SSD for about 17 years now. He just turned 63. When you and he reach the age for full retirement, the only thing that changes is that instead of being on disability you are on retirement benefits. The money amount doesn't change. I think there is some misunderstanding about what happened to those lots of other people you know. Believe the Social Security office. If you want your income to increase you'll have to find another way. Being mad and yelling in ALL CAPS just irritates others, doesn't do any good, and is delaying the time when you can think about your situation more clearly. The problem here is most likely you are disappointed that you won't get a big jump in income as you age and you need more money. Instead of being upset with reality, you need to find another way to deal with your financial situation. If you have specific problems related to your situation, come back with those. This issue is closed.
What about ur full benefits. When ur on SSD you only get 34 of your benefits till you retire. Then you should get ur full benefits. We worked for them. I know lots on SSD and got a raise they got their full benefits.
Your minimum retirement age for full benefits on Social Security is age 66. Since you are already on Social Secuity Disability, it makes no sense to take an early retirement in Social Security and receive less. When you are receiving Social Security disability benefits and reach full retirement age, nothing will change except your benefits will be called retirement benefits rather than disability benefits. This switch will be automatically done for you by the Social Security Administration. It happened with my husband.
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As I understand it, Social Security disability pays what you would have got if you had been eligible to retire at the time you became disabled. This is based on the number of years you worked and what your income was in those years. The amount doesn't go up when you reach any particular age.
Private disability insurance is entirely different. It has nothing at all to do with Social Security, and it's not a government program. Some employers offer private disability insurance to their employees as a benefit, the same way they offer health insurance, and some don't. It may be 1/2 or 2/3 of your regular salary but it lasts only a certain number of weeks or months and when the time is up, it's gone.
I'm so sorry. I hope this all works out for you.