He will look bad but she wants to see him. My mom is 88 yo w Alzheimers and this brother is single and has always been with her. She will go to stay with another brother when he goes in hospital. It is very unlikely she will return home because he cannot care for her due to his health.
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So glad to read that your found a wonderful place for Mom, and that the timing was perfect. As we have all read on this website, Alzheimer's only gets worse with more caregiving needed. Once your brother is up and around, eventually he can visit her as much as he likes and help her at her new home.
There is no other option. He will come to live me Wed and go home when he is independent and can drive which will be a few months
This is going to be more than a little difficult and very sad as the realization that life will never be the same hits. Thoughts prayers and comments are welcome .
I really like the flu season idea it will work.. When he is discharged he will come to my home. I do not want him to go to an empty house and he needs help understanding all his meds, diet, etc
As for your Mom seeing him, I would tell her he needs his rest but he would love to see her after he is out of the hospital [once he is back on his feet and looking better]. Or if she wants to go to the hospital to visit him, tell her it is the start of the flu season so children and elders cannot visit patients. It's for her safety and his.