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Bevpet Asked September 2014

Should I stay, should I go?

My Mother has passed away, do I need to stay in this forum? I live in Perth Western Australia, and how Hospital and Doctor system is so different. I received so much help and support emotionally from the group, and I am grateful. But I am wondering if I would be of any help to newer members joining, as I can 't offer any help or advice. Once again thank you so much. Mother is being buried on Monday afternoon. And her estranged son and estranged Sister will be attending. Mother will be so happy. We are going to have a celebration to farewell her into her next spirit life. cheers Beverley Perth Western Australia

Bevpet Sep 2014
thank you for your condolences for me. A thought came I still get the emails about the new topics. So I will be able to keep in touch and if I have anything to contribute I can. Thank you for helping me reason this out. Bev.

bookluvr Sep 2014
My condolences on your mother. I have known several people who tried to stay after their loved ones died. After a while, reading the comments and posting was getting to them. It was becoming painful for them to be here. Some disappear for several months and then come back to continue to answer questions. It's really up to you and what you want. If you feel that you no longer need to be here nor contribute to others - then so be it. It's really up to you and how you feel about it.


Countrymouse Sep 2014
Well, if you've talked your aunt and (half? step?) brother into attending you must surely have some advice to offer those seeking reconciliation. Why not make a mental note just to check in every so often?

My sympathies on losing your mother.

BarbBrooklyn Sep 2014
Beverly, you still have advice and expertise to share. You may find it helps to share what you've learned. I'm sorry for your loss. Barbara


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