My father is stage 4 renal patient he came from my home country for second opinion and have been living with my family for 4yrs now I feel i need a break for now he is capable of doing much but he decline to do instead he takes most of his time going around to friends house, I shopped for apt for him but on condition my mum will be sending money to pay but she changed her mind she can't afford it. I asked my dad to go back to his home country he refused and he said he is going to die here on top of it I pay for everything out of pocket since he cant qualify for medcare even though he is a permanent resident, what should I DO?
having 2 children and another child on the way its finacially draining for me n my husband and running out of space in house.
11 Answers
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There are some states that protect people from being thrown out of a home. That's why Jeanne mentioned to check in your area. If there is a law, then you must follow the rules of eviction. That includes an eviction notice and a certain time period that gives the evicted person time to find a new place to live (and not be thrown out in the streets.)
You do not have control over your father (or your mother). You cannot require him to go back to his country. But you DO have control over your household. You can insist that he leaves your house. By all means, let him "tell" on you. What a joke! Meanwhile, look into what it takes to evict someone in your location. You may need to serve a formal written notice and give him a certain number of days to leave. If you follow all the steps, someone from the sheriff's department can escort him off your property on the day he is to leave. In some communities the rules apply even if your dad is not paying rent. Find out the rules in your area. Follow them. Require Dad to leave your house. Where he goes is not your problem. You and your husband have control of your household.
Get those friends he is visiting to give him a stern lecture that his place is at home with his wife. Perhaps one of them will take him in and support him for the next 10 years or so.
You should send Mother a letter that you need money for airfare to send her husband back home where he belongs. This has gone on way too long!
Good luck.