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AkaHeart Asked September 2014

Mom (98) with dementia is it normal for her to sleep so long?

My Mother use to get up each day at 8:30am but recently, she has been sleeping till late afternoon. Mom has dementia but in great health. She has been quite nasty to me lately; accusing me of not loving her; which gets me mad being I take care of her each day. My husband intercedes and gets angry because we do everything we can to make her life livable; not putting her into a nursing home and as we both know she's not doing this on purpose due to the dementia, it's very hurtful and causing problems at home. I have tried to get her assistance, relieving us of some caregiving, but she has approximately over $10K in savings; which is deminishing fast paying her bills and part of that is set aside for funeral expenses and I am trying to find any organization to at least help with partime help in assisting in her daily life that the government sponsors? The only income she receives is $505.00 per month from Social Security. We reside in Upstate, New York. So, two this normal for her to sleep so long and is there any help out there that I am unaware of? Most organizations say she has too much money in the bank.

AkaHeart Sep 2014
Pam.....thanks for writing back!! I've been reading many of your posts which puts a smile on my face! Loved what you said about your Mother's wish for her funeral! That would be my mom as well!! LATE & LEFTOVERS.....Love it!!
My mom is a widow of a veteran and will check into that. Called Social Security the other day and they told me she needs to have less than $2,000 to qualify for Medicaid. She lives with us and the thought of putting her in assisted living is not our intention. In as far as SSRI's....I was laughing because our doctor always says....."One of you should be on antidepressants!" LOL!
@fregflyer.....thanks for your post as well!!

freqflyer Sep 2014
As for sleeping so much, that is normal for someone in their late 90's... they are tired. And as you get older, your blood pressure starts to go up, thus higher dosage for the blood pressure medicine which in turn will zone anyone out.

With dementia, it's my understanding that sometimes those with that illness will be awake at night... check in in the wee hours of the morning to see if she is asleep or not.


pamstegma Sep 2014
Hey, I am in NY too and this state covers Assisted Living under Medicaid. Start looking around. If she is the widow of a wartime Vet, she can get VA aid and attendance to help pay for it. Get her MD to prescribe a mild SSRI for her mood swings.


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