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notfair Asked October 2014

What type of facility will take a married couple when one has dementia?

I give up!! I've gotten to the point where I need to get them more than I can do. They're having a negative effect on my marriage. Taking too much out of us both.I can't afford to pay for companion care for both. They're tired of living with us also but can't afford to be on their own.I feel helpless and hopeless. No family members will help, we're not involed in church. Its not fair to my husband who has been great for the past 10 years.

Chicago1954 Oct 2014
I don't really blame family members for not getting involved in these messes. But, in a way, it is better, because you are able to make the decisions on your own. A person with dementia is much better off in a 24 hour care facility. They are trained to care for him or her.

The first thing you are going to have to do is make some phone calls and see what is available. Do your parents have Medicaid?

pamstegma Oct 2014
You put the one with dementia in a proper facility. Trust me when I say it is not easy for the spouse to deal with, and most facilities will give them separate rooms so they are not on each other's nerves all the time.



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