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LindaMJacksonio Asked October 2014

I think medical weed would help with my Parkinson's. Any advice?

freqflyer Oct 2014
Chicago, I heard using marijuana as an oil can have a benefit depending on the health condition. It has been proven to work for some types of epilepsy.

One has to note that smoking marijuana will cause one's heart rate to double and raise one's blood pressure. Thus, could be damaging if someone has any type of heart issue, known or unknown.

Chicago1954 Oct 2014
You do not have to smoke it. Use edibles or the oils.


Houseplant102 Oct 2014
My family on the whole is not opposed to medical weed as it may really benefit some. Our concern is having it on the property because we don't know how the insurance and tenant eviction process will play out. Conflict between federal and state laws must be tested in the courts. In the meantime, I hope you are able to try this as any pain or extreme discomfort should not be overlooked when there may be an undiscovered solution to some medical problems. Depending on the state you live in, there may be a legal means by which you can attain marijuana for medical need. If you can get certified, make sure any landlord (if renting) approves. Though you probably aren't in a federally subsidized apartment, if you are, HUD(federal) does not permit marijuana for medical or illicit purposes. Having the plants or end product is cause for eviction.

LindaMJacksonio Oct 2014
There a drug called merinal do think that would help with my Parkinson's ?

anonymous158299 Oct 2014
id suggest just give it a try . 5 different docs would tell you 5 different things . some people use pot to wind down and sleep . i always found it to be a strong stimulant. it affects different people differently i suppose . it isnt hard to find . any 15 yr old can hook you right up . its too strong for me nowadays . makes me anxious and paranoid .

LindaMJacksonio Oct 2014
. I'm sorry about the missed spelled wordsi meet to say my body gets so tense !,!!!

freqflyer Oct 2014
If you are smoking weed, you are taking one medical problem (stress) and substituting another (lung related illness/cancer).

LindaMJacksonio Oct 2014
I think it mellow me out I'm always so fence n anxious . It so bad I feel like I can't breath !!!My body so ridge sorry I can't spell !?

freqflyer Oct 2014
Curious why you would think it would help.

I just read where the American Academy of Neurology has said that marijuana was not helpful in Parkinson’s disease related tremor or levodopa-induced dyskinesias.


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