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Tazgirl Asked October 2014

My Dad is in an AL. It's a small place with 9 other people. He is getting really combative mainly verbally. What do I do?

The caregivers all just about ready to kick him out. I tried talking to him and he tells lies. If he is kicked out he has no where to go. He is 89 years old. He has tried to live with family members but he is really mean. It breaks my heart but I don't know what to do.

pamstegma Oct 2014
Allow the facility to send him to the ER and the psych ward for evaluation. From there you talk to the MD and Social Worker about what the options are.

Sunnygirl1 Oct 2014
Yes, he should be evaluated to see what's going with him. There may be some medical reason or he may need some medication to help him. A geriatric psychiatric hospital should be able to evaluate him and get him stable.

Most places realize if they are not able to provide the level of care a resident has. They should be able to help you locate a place where they would be able to accomodate him.


BarbBrooklyn Oct 2014
Get him to a geriatric psychiatrist asap for an evaluation and meds. If he becomes violent, he should be taken to the ER.


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