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Hmichick Asked October 2014

My Mom has so much credit card debt. What do I do?

She can't buy groceries because all her social security check goes to minimum credit card payment. She only qualifies for $16.00 a month for food stamps. What do I do? Convince her to file bankruptcy? She already did a reverse mortgage. Her heater is broken at her home also.

kathyt1 Oct 2014
Declare bankruptcy. It will cost about $1,300.00. Stop paying minium payments, and save for it. You will need a bankruptcy lawyer. Afterwards she won't have a credit card.

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2014
Is the problem that your mom is making poor financial decisions? What has she bought with her credit cards? I understand that the immediate problem is getting her heat back on and getting her food to eat, but it sounds as though there is a larger problem here.


pamstegma Oct 2014
The JCCEO Home Weatherization Program helps elder homes. They help low-income citizens of Jefferson County, Alabama. Application can be made by calling 205-212-9603 to make an appointment. Ask about emergency furnace repairs.


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