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sdavisblue Asked November 2014

Transportation to adult day center. Any recommendations?

My mom lives with AD and lives with me in Susquehanna Township. I work FT and currently drive my mom to & from an adult day center in Mechanicsburg. I would like information on reasonably priced or free transportation from our home to the adult day center a few days each week. CAT Share a ride told me they only transport people from Dauphin into Cumberland County for medical appointments. Thank you.

jeannegibbs Nov 2014
Have you talked to the Day center about this need? My husband was picked up and returned home by a van service. Within the neighborhood of the center there were buses that transported participants. Medicaid covered this cost. (We are in a metro area and I know that can make a difference.)

Even carpooling with others in your vicinity might be a help. Do discuss it with the center's social worker or director.

freqflyer Nov 2014
sdavisblue, go to the top right corner of this page... you will see SEARCH SITE box, type in your zip code and enter.... if there are any places that will offer such help it would be on that list.

Also, you can also go to the blue bar near the top of the page and place your Mouse over CAREGIVER SUPPORT.... and drop down menu will appear and look for "Find Agencies on Aging", click on that, then look for your State and County. It will give you a telephone number to call for your County.


xxxxxxxx Nov 2014
Your request is so specific to location that I personally cannot help you except to suggest two things. Call the local Council on Aging or Alzheimer's Assn. office (24/7 helpline number is 1-800-272-3900 and they can put you in touch with the local office) OR hire a person to drive her. There are usually college age students with time to spare and who could use the money. Some people advertise as errand runners. Hope you find the answer.


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