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Mimi61 Asked November 2014

What do we do when both parents need help and do not have enough money to go to a facility or hire 24/7 care?

Where do I start? Dad has dementia mom had a fall, surgery and now has memory issues. They have no savings and we can not find a facility that would accept them as Medicaid patients without being self paid for a year. The money will only last for a short time. They live in Tampa, Florida. hELP!

jeannegibbs Nov 2014
Mimi61, what kind of facility are you looking for? Memory care? Assisted Living? Nursing Home? Perhaps the Aging Agency will be able to suggest some that do take Medicaid. There are generally more NHs that will take Medicaid than other kinds of facilities. Do they qualify for skilled nursing care?

phil413 Nov 2014
I am in the same situation, except with one parent. We are working through the agency on aging. Sooner or later, my mom will have to go on Medicaid and go to the nursing home. I'm doing what I can, but we're running out of options. It's hard to get to that point, but even getting a few hours of respite care can help the caregiver immensely!


pamstegma Nov 2014
Call your county office of the aging and get a caseworker assigned.


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