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Annholly12 Asked November 2014

Does Medicaid-Medicare pay for assisted living care?

How does medicaid/medicare work as far as assisted living?

ConnectSL Nov 2014
If mom has a qualifying stay at the hospital, she will be able to go to a skilled nursing home for a period of time, depending on her rehab and recovery. Afterwards you will need to find long-term placement.
If your loved one owns a house, has any savings or monthly income and/or is a veteran or spouse of a veteran, you'd be surprised what you can afford.
If your loved one has no funds or assets, there are still options. We have found that most states do have a state funded medicaid program. I'm not sure what State your in, else I would have looked. (Easy way is just call few assisted living communities and ask if there are any medicaid programs in the area).
Federal medicaid mostly pays for nursing homes. So if your loved one doesn't need a skilled nursing home yet, look for other options.
Let me know if you have other questions!

sophe509 Nov 2014
A good person to talk to would be the social worker at the hospital. Ask the nurses how to get in touch with her. She will usually have really good information for you. Sounds like an in-home caregiver/companion might be in order while your Dad is out of the house. Or adult day care?


Annholly12 Nov 2014
O ok! She has been in the hospital. Due to low potassium. She had breast cancer. And has a pacemaker. But she is getting really forgetful about things, such as putting something on the stove and walking away until my dad noticed smoke or burning smell and has to go and tell her she can't leave the room with something on the stove. And he works at a fire dept 24 hours on and 48 hours off. But his concern is when he isn't home either him at work or doing his side business. I was told a couple months back by a united way worker/president that medicaid/medicare would pay for her to go into a home without charging and Medicaid/medicare would take care. It's so hard because you get different info from different people you speak with

sophe509 Nov 2014
If the elder has been hospitalized (I think it's for more than 3 days) and they need a nursing home/rehab facility, Medicare will pay for a few months of care (there are limitations). However, for assisted living, they don't pay. It's cash out-of-pocket. At least that's been my experience. And it's super-expensive, too.


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