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Don1918 Asked November 2014

I am 96, how do I ask for help for me and my wife (91)?

My wife is having medicial problems mostly feminine and she needs help.

ArleneHutcheon Dec 2014
First of all, congratulations must go to both you and your wife to have reached the ages you have. Next, a visit to your doctor would be in order just to discuss things like home help etc. Your doctor will get the appropriate agencies to get in touch with you, perhaps a home visit. I did this for my motherinlaw some years ago and the people who came to see her were wonderful. All the best, and i hope you get the help you need. Keep us informed.

anonymous158299 Dec 2014
ya know woodrow wilson died in 1924 so he aint gonna be much help .
just kiddin with ya guy . congrats on such a lengthy lifespan to you and your wife . i hope , like others here have said , that you obtain the the medical or in home help that you need .
my gosh , by the age of 96 ill just be a stream of expletives . nouns become so elusive you know ?


Sheba16 Dec 2014
There certainly must be home caring service for you and your wife in the neighbourhood. I think the quickest / best way to find someone reliable is to ask your general practician. He or she certainly knows where / when and what type of help you can obtain. And if he or she is a kind person, he will call this home caring service to make an appointment so that someone can come at home to discuss matters and let you know about price/s, and so on. Hope that you can still remain at home with you wife for quite some years. Big hug

gladimhere Nov 2014

Monroe County Agencyon Aging.

gladimhere Nov 2014
local area agency on aging. They are in with the Council of Governments in your area. They have a wide variety of resources available and will help you get appropriate services setup. Another option would be a Geriatric Care Manager they are social workers and very familiar with what help is needed and how to get it. Search for "Certified Geriatric Care Manager".

gladimhere Nov 2014
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