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cmod1990 Asked December 2014

My Dad needs full time care is there a program that can help me with getting paid?

I know it sounds wrong to want money for taking care of my dad but I'm really struggling with finances right now. I'm out on un-paid family medical leave to take care of him since he needs full time care and my mom is physically unable to do it herself. My dad needs full time care and is having surgery soon witch means he'll have even more mobility issues. He is having spinal surgery and currently has degenerate joint disease. He can't even shower by himself. he can't get food for himself. it's a lot of work. I wouldn't have it any other way though. he hates nurses and hates having strangers take care of him. so if there is some sort of way i can supplement my income while caring for my father i'd greatly appreciate the help.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Dec 2014
Hi cmod,

It's not wrong at all to feel the need to be paid. Many of us have quit jobs to stay home to care for our loved ones. We not only take a hit at the time but we take a further hit in our eventual Social Security.

That being said, some states may pay you for some hours of care if your parents are on Medicaid. That may be determined by where you live. If your parents have assets, together you could have a contract drawn up by an attorney that states that they will pay you a set amount to care for them. Make sure this is done legally.

I have a feeling from what you said that your parents may not have a lot of assets, so your best bet may be to see if you a fortunate enough to live in a state where Medicaid will pay family members a stipend. It's not likely to replace the income you left, but it may help. Check with your state to see if this is possible.

Good luck,

brandia Dec 2014
I didn't know about the Department of Aging until things with my grandfather happened. I believe each state has their own contacts. Go online to look it up, your state, then your city/county. They can do an assessment and give you options with medicaide/in-home care and more. Also, there is a link for caretaker resources for you to get all the information you need.


cmod1990 Dec 2014
thank you so much i cant begin to tell you how helpful this has been to me!


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