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gropup Asked December 2014

Why does my Mom keep getting UTI's?

My Mom will just finish antibiotics for a UTI and then gets another? Are there meds that cause chronic UTI's? She is 86. Lives in AL, and doesn't drink enough water, but the UTI's cause confusion and agresessive behavior and tiredness. Can chronic UTI's be prevented in elderly??

N1K2R3 Dec 2014
Cranactin may help.......often found at most health food stores. Needless to say, the utmost care should be taken for cleanliness, such as frequent panty changes, day/night...... H2O2 on the toilet paper before wiping, and drinking a normal amount of water. If the UTI's continue and if it becomes a problem, by all means,a a physician should be seen, explaining what you have already done.
I'll check out Ferris's suggesion of the Zerbaxa in the PDR. Cipro doesn't seem to be effective on cUTI's.

Reverseroles Dec 2014
PS the doctor said to me, not drinking enough , low estrogen levels in PM women, and holding it too long are reasons for getting infections.


Reverseroles Dec 2014
Funny this subject should come up again. I, not my Mom, got a UTI. I tend to think "Oh I will pee after I change mom, or right after I make her supper, etc. I hold it a lot and I am so guilty of not drinking anything but coffee myself. a few weeks ago I went to the bathroom and it was mostly blood, I was shocked and afraid.After the 3rd time I called the doctor, it was a Sunday. The return call was a female doctor also post menopausal, and prescribed cipro for me. She told me to flood myself with water and cranberry juice and by the next day no blood or pressure feelings. I wonder how long I actually had it with no previous uti's or symptoms. Doc said post menopausal women can normally have up to 3 uti's a year, wow. Which azo is good and whats the dosage?
As far as my Mom goes, I use a large squirt bottle on her privates after soaping her up. I bought a few at the hair dressing store meant for dying hair, and use those. If her urine smells at all, I do a week of amoxicillin, I have an open rx for it for Mom. So far, knock on wood good luck here with her. Beware caregivers...we are at risk too.

Llamalover47 Dec 2014
I agree. Elders get UTI's more frequently because of improper or not thorough enough washing They just don't have the strength to wash thoroughly any longer. Just escort them to the bathroom and the smell will knock you over!

Whitney Dec 2014
You may want to do some on-line research about D-Mannose, as it is suppose to be very effective for UTI infections.

Iwentanon Dec 2014
I agree about the wiping front to back, if you do not watch in the shower, they do the same wipe...we have the same thing going on here, even with the cranberry, when she goes in the hospital they don't give the cranberry. I notice the UTI's make the dementia worse and their is no cognitive repair after the UTI. We did purchase the bidet attachment but ours is quite cold, it attaches to the toilet.

sherry1anne Dec 2014
I'm with Panipal, this plan worked for my mother along with a blend that I got from the health food store and D Manos. My mother, too had repeated UTIs and ended up in the hospital with hallucinations. She "zoned out" for a week, later she told her caregiver that she dreamed that she was a little girl and that she was living in a big house with everyone waiting on her hand and foot (that part was true - big house & me & caregiver as servants) She kept begging the nice women to take her home. In reality, she kept begging to go home (she's lived here for over 5 years) We went on a 2X per day changing routine, morning & night with shower in the AM and thorough washing of the area at night along with watching for accidents during the day and changing as needed then too. I'm happy to say that 103, it seems that she's finally licked the UTI cycle.

Help2014 Dec 2014
One thing ab't most of the elderly- is that they hate to drink water & mostly stay dehydrated. We found something that my mom loves- fruit smoothies in a blender- using mainly watermelon (~92% water content) or any fruit your mom loves. We add ice (more water) bananas for creaminess or Ensures, etc., to boost her vitamin intake & keep her hydrated. Fruits high in water content include: strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, oranges, cherries, grapes, etc. This will help her system ... Because unfortunately when she is dehydrated & weak, she's more susceptible to UTI's. This has greatly helped my mom.
Also, you can boost her water content by making hot soups or salads with veggies high in water content: cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, radish, celery, cauliflower, eggplant, peppers, spinach or broccoli. Some have said that this is more effective than a glass of water because it provides the body with necessary natural sugars, vitamins & minerals, etc., all while replenishing water content. Hope this helps!! His Blessings to you in this!!

I2understand Dec 2014
Cranberry pills worked well. Medication can also help the yeast and bacteria grow and wearing depends and pad make a great greenhouse affect to help things grow. Are they changing her often enough. What kind of soap are they using find a plan soap with not to much in it nor smell goods . There is a good UTI tea but I don't remember the name. good lucky

NurseBob Dec 2014
Mom has been a chronic UTI case for about five years. At 93 she is going strong but these level her. I read that 95 percent of UTI's are related to poor hygiene. We had a discussion with her doctor about the importance of "wiping" front to back. They even sell an extension device to assist this. What really stopped the infections though was a bidet unit I purchased at Home Depot. It is a simple device that attaches to the side of the commode, can be adjusted for various power and temperature. When she turns it on, she gets a streaming blast of water that cleans personal areas , It's been the answer for us. Instead of having about 6 infections per year, she has only had one in the past 8 months after I installed this unit. I also tell her when she takes a shower, to make sure all the personal areas, are well scrubbed.

nancyljh Dec 2014
She also doesn't drink enough water, neither do I. I was fighting her about her and so glad I don't have to do that anymore. I was having her bathe every day when she was getting them. Now just l-2 times a week and no problems (so far, so good)

nancyljh Dec 2014
My mom was getting them every month--with hallucinations, doctors put her on dementia, memory loss meds which we came to the conclusion, caused hallucinations also. Ever since we put her on cranberry tabs she has not had any uti's and a new doctor took her off the other meds and so far, no hallucinations, no dementia like behaviors, she is 88. We also started her on PS from the health food store, we think it really made a difference in her mental abilities (phosphatidyl serine). Wish we would have put her on cranberry tabs years ago, would have saved much money, time, stress.....been a couple of bad years.

igloo572 Dec 2014
If mom has had back to back uti's and each time has been treated with antibiotics, then it's likely that she has become antibiotic resistant. So going the way suggested by Panapal definetly you should try.

Really staying well hydrated is just so important no matter what age.

BUT also be on the lookout for signs that mom now has a C Diff (Clostridium difficle) infection taking root. What happens is the uti antibiotics in the process of killing the uti infection also kill off other good bacteria in your body. Which gives the C Diff opportunity to grow in your intestine. C diff seems to be low key at first with somewhat loose stools, mucousy bm's or perhaps mild diarrhea then seems to go away but actually is building up in intestines. Full blown CDiff is pretty antibiotic resistant & can be life threatening for frail elderly. It is probably the scariest disease to have spread in a NH - my moms NH isolates them or they go to hospital. C diff is really hard to get rid of as the spores are very hardy; they live a long time on hard surfaces & can make it through warm water laundry. Really want to keep c diff from taking hold in your house.

If your moms doc didn't run a test to see if C Diff is also there, ask to have that done.

freqflyer Dec 2014
The key word *water*.... one doctor told me that Americans don't drink enough water, which I found interesting, and true for myself. We are so hooked on needing our beverages to have flavor, and we don't realize that coffee, sodas, etc. are not a good replacement for plain water.

And Gigi11 made a good point, wearing briefs that need changing.

ferris1 Dec 2014
Just FDA-approved drug for cUTIs (complicated UTI) is Zerbaxa. Give that name to her doctor and see if it works. Constantly taking an antibiotic changes the stomach flora, so also eat a yogurt with about five different "good" bacteria without sugar. Hope this helps!

Gigi11 Dec 2014
Mom probably started to get UTIs because she refused to wipe from front to back. More recently she's been incontinent and if she has a bowel movement in her briefs during the night then the bacteria have plenty of time to travel up the urinary tract and cause the infection. (Thank you, panapal, for the suggestions.)

panapal Dec 2014
These can be very serious as my Mother ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks and then in rehab for 20 days after her UTI.
Anti biotics become ineffective. What seems to have worked for Mom is cranberry juice and Azo and vitamin C. That was what was suggested by her doctor and seems to have stopped the re occurances.
Watch for sells on Ocean Spray 100% and Northern Cranberry juice and make sure you read the label. NO FRUCTOSE!
I also this fall cut a half a pomegranit seeded of course as it is the greatest anti oxicident I have read about.
Excuse my spelling here. Moms starting top stir and dont have time to spell check.

BarbBrooklyn Dec 2014
She needs to see a uro-gynecologist or a geriatric urologist. The problem may be further upstream in her bladder. Don't guess with this, get her in to see someone.


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