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SuziQ Asked January 2015

Is my Mom ready for a Nursing Home?

My Mom's dementia has gotten worse. The pain in her back is terrible. She on Norco 4x a day. I think that is what made her dementia worse. She is 91 yrs. old and in an assistant Living Facility. They don't do much for her. Hardly clean her room, which she is paying for. She can't shower herself and she doesn't like anyone else to do it, so her hair is filthy and she smells. I usually give her one, but lately she has been tired, I think from the Norco. She can hardly walk. She does use a walker, but her double bed takes up a lot of room, so she can't get her walker where she sits. So, is she ready for a nursing home. She can't afford a dementia facility. I feel so mad for her. I can't take her in my home. I want her stay close to me. My brother's live far away. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Hugs.

notrydoyoda Jan 2015
I think that you have answered your own question. Yes, she is ready for a nursing home. How long has it been since she has seen her doctor?

I'm sorry to hear they are not cleaning her room at the ALF. At the same time, most ALF expect their residents to be able to do more for themselves than what you describe her as being able to do. I am surprised they have not been in contact with you about that. Her tiredness might be a side effect of the Norco, but it could also mean that she is not getting enough food.

Have you and your brothers discussed this and come up with a short term and long term plan?

One possibility would be to move her to a nursing home with a memory care unit using her remaining money to spend it down and then apply for medicaid to pay for her care.


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