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DJCookie27 Asked January 2015

Too much medications for NH?

My mom needs more care than I can provide her at home. She is in the hospital at this time. She receives Medicare, Medicaid, and SSD. NHs are turning her down because she is on too many medications ($$). I know they need to make their money too, but my mom needs to get care somewhere. My brother (who is developmentally disabled and needs my care) and I can't give her the care she needs. Has anyone else had this issue and is there an alternative?

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2015
Thanks for the clarification! The next thing to look at, with her doctor, is what meds she's on and what does she actually need. Most geriatric docs go on a "less us more" philosophy. Try to get a geriatrics consult, or at least a Palliative care consult while she's there.

I think the right question to ask is, what is each of these medications fir? Does she really need to be on it? What is/are her major physical ailments ? Are we trying to cure them? Or are we trying to keep her comfortable, not anxious and pain free?

DJCookie27 Jan 2015
She doesn't have any major behavioral issues and she is mentally sound. The discharge nurses and coordinators have said they can refuse admittance because the medications cost so much and the NH has to pay for the meds out of the money they receive from Medicare. I am going to ask them tomorrow about alternatives and the next step. I want to make sure I am asking the right questions.


BarbBrooklyn Jan 2015
Mom is in the hospital. I suggest you talk to the discharge planners about what level of care she needs and where she can be placed. I have not heard of a NH rejecting a patient because they were on too many meds. If she's on Medicaid, the Medicaid is paying for the meds, yes? Does she have severe behavioral and/or psychiatric issues? That could be a reason for rejection. Talk to the discharge person and listen to what s/he has to say.


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