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HelpnGa Asked January 2015

Leaning/falling backwards when standing. What could be the cause?

My mom (diagnosis early onset Alz age 59) has had a lot of falls in the past week. Monday she fell onto concrete and needed stitches in her knee. Since then she's fallen a few times inside the house. Fri evening we took her to urgent care for swelling at top of foot, turns out she broke two toes.
Since these falls began, we notice that every time we help her stand up, she's leaning backwards. Even holding onto walker she starts going back.
Any ideas what could be cause of this?

jjariz Aug 2017
The doc can do a easy test for postural instability. The patient thinks that they are standing straight or leaning forward. In fact, they are leaning backward.

MrsKat5 Aug 2017
This happens to me allot, a few times a day just tipping back it feels like I'm falling in slow motion for a very long time I have been lucky there's always some one to catch me...thou i fell a few times in the shower twice hitting my head. That started in 2008 and has been getting worse started just maybe once a week and now it's all the time, people are always asking me if I'm drunk... I do not take any medications and I am only 31 and I don't know if it has anything in common but sometimes I have trouble walking like if I don't remember how to move my leg I actually have to grab it and move it... But Dr just gave me xanax and said i was just tired 😒, never took the pills I don't like taking medicine unless i absolutely have to.....


glasshalffull Feb 2015
I have had a problem with vertigo for 8 years. I often feel like I am falling over backwards and to the right. The world often seems visually distorted...I have to be careful of my balance and use a cane or hold onto the wall.

Investigation of inner ear issues might be helpful. With me it looks like there was a stroke that went undiagnosed (because of my age and the odd symptoms) in 2006. Evidence on old MRI's was not noticed by several hospitals or Doctors as area was very specific.

So I would recommend MRI but could be disease progression causing vertigo...another look at past MRI...ask about pons area. If MRI shows something...what would you plan to do?

Some meds like meclizine might help if there is vertigo/dizziness involved...but not without dr. supervision. Good shoes are helpful as well. Also make sure walker is correct height.

pamzimmrrt Feb 2015
My dad has started being very unstable the past few days, fell twice today and we were right there. He falls sideways, so walker is out of the question. Calling Dr again tomorrow, dad is end stage and MC is coming tomorrow for an assessment for some respite care ( at least)

Rosebush Feb 2015
my mom had Lewy body dementia and parkinsons when she started falling this is when he received a more definitive diagnosis. Thresholds (going into bathroom, going from living room to kitchen) were our biggest problem. My mom would almost freeze at the bathroom doorway then her legs would crumble and down she went. She also went backwards many times. Getting in and out of car she was so stiff we couldn't bend, twist, whatever to get her in the car. By then we realized she was so afraid of falling and unless she had certain people with her, no way no how were we getting her in the car. This is when my im was put on carb/Levo and we saw a major difference. She at this point would only walk with walker if someone was beside her and eventually we transitioned to using the wheelchair but for want of a better word, mom was much more pliable getting in and out of the car. I not saying my moms story applies to your mom, just sharing.

HelpnGa Jan 2015
I spoke with mom's doctor and he wasn't overly concerned that it was anything other than natural progression. He is checking into her scan from 3 months ago and we go see him next week, but just giving update incase anyone else looking for answers to same question.

JessieBelle Jan 2015
I hope that a doctor is able to tell you. There are a few things that might be at work here -- blood pressure changes, balance problems from the inner ears, general weakness of the legs, or loss of leg and posture control from changes to the brain. What stage of dementia is your mother? If the doctor can figure out what is wrong, maybe there is a medication or exercise that can help. Falling is about the most frightening thing when it comes to elders. I hope you can get it fixed so that your mother is able to keep moving about.

freqflyer Jan 2015
With my Dad, I told him to wear this better shoes instead of saving the shoes for special occasions, and that has helped him. If he's barefoot or just wearing socks he's not very steady. That may or may not help with your Mom.

HelpnGa Jan 2015
We've also just noticed a small bruise at her hairline of forehead. I will certainly call & update her dr in the morning, he's very good about hearing any input we give so if you've experienced anything else like this I'd love to hear your stories before I speak to him. It's also extremely difficult to get her in and out of house and car. Next weekend a handicap ramp will be built to help out of house but still took 3 of us to get her in and out of car Fri night, so unnecessary dr appointments put her at greater risk of getting hurt, but anything she needs we will find a way to take care of it.

pamstegma Jan 2015
Strokes. See the MD and get some brain imaging.


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