And just found out her arthritic left hand has a fracture. We don't know how it happened. Mom suspects it's from griping the handles of her u step walker. Have to call orthopedic dr tomorrow set up appointment to find out what's next in this continuing downhill stage of my poor mom's life. I'm thinking if she has to have some type of surgery or binding of it to heal, shouldn't she be in some type of facility until she heals? I can't carry her around. Anyone else go through anything similiar and how did it turn out?
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Best of luck to you and your mom!
as far as a facility is concerned it may be fast approaching the time when she needs this level of care if you feel unable to continue in the home. It is a hard decision but as you are observing her decline will continue and accelerate. Make sure you are totally honest with the Drs. Focus on the positives for Mom rather than the negative of not being able to do it anymore, ie 24 hour care, immediate attention for problems, increased socialization and entertainment. You could still take her out for rides in the car or even home for the weekend. you know your Mom we don't so do what you are both comfortable with rather than wait for an emergency.