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mythyme Asked January 2015

Can I deduct the cost of my husband at an Adult Family home?

He has dementia and other major health problems.

pamstegma Jan 2015
"You can include in medical expenses the cost of medical care in a nursing home, home for the aged, or similar institution, for yourself, your spouse, or your dependents. This includes the cost of meals and lodging in the home if a principal reason for being there is to get medical care. Do not include the cost of meals and lodging if the reason for being in the home is personal. You can, however, include in medical expenses the part of the cost that is for medical or nursing care."
Read IRS pub. 502.

freqflyer Jan 2015
You would need to contact an accountant, local income tax preparer, or call the IRS to see if that would qualify as a deduction on your income tax.



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