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sandy22 Asked January 2015

Is this right?

I sure hope I can get a lot of feedback on this Its a lot to explain but I am really upset last week my mom was discharged from Hospice ok that's fine but for me the way it was done I think is wrong due to fact at the time she was discharged she had full blown uti and yeast infection and of course acting crazy and mean to my husband And I.Also her Cathletor had not been changed for three months and trust me was nasty!!I had just gotten new nurse also and that was the one decided to discharge. sO ENDED UP in hospital I ahd told them its needed for me to have her diagnosed also asked for Pysch.. to see her had questions about her Dementia and bladder Was also informed needed to see case manager and social worker make my story short was there every afternoon and next thing I no she was being or already was discharged. Myself was never contacted never got to speak to dr face to face and worse of all my messages or what I had asked them to do nothing was done including home care needed to be set up.Came home was horrible never got no phone calls for home care nothing then 3rd day home woke up screaming in pain ended up back in ER. that's when phone started ringing and people started moving,then she had to be transferred to different hospital due to insurance,hadnt even made it there yet Dr called today asked me some questions nothing was decided 100 percent then I thought I better go over there so went over and Dr mentioned sending her to rehab and when I walked in room the cathletor had already been removed I know those things are no good but she is bed bound has bladder problem and it was either keep that in or hope for the best with diapers and hope as she gets wet from going to bathroom her skin wont breakdown.but I do no that will happen if wet a lot.Not even touching on fact IM sorry but I have been thru diaper situation with her when first started taking of her,and hope you all don't think Im mean but I cannot do that again 14 yrs tired plus Id be up a lot thru night/so now what do I doand me myself do not depend on a nursing home here in md to be on top of that all the time. and if was in home awhile and came home I cannot takecare of sores Im sorry but cant,so Im very frustrated plus mother has new thing so rude to us and now as good as he is to her she claims she hates my husband I cannot keep living like this should I tell dr to put it back in help please tell me what you all think thanks sandy

Candee Jan 2015
If she goes into a facility without getting rehab she might end up having to pay for room and board. If she gets rehab all or most should be covered. Again, this will give you time to rest and plan the next move (possibly back to hospice care.)

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2015
Was she discharged from Hospice in order to be able to take her to the hospital to get treatment? In general, my understanding is that once you're on hospice, you need to go off, temporarily in order to get an acute problem treated. Talk to the discharge planners about this while she's still in the hospital.

So, going to rehab, is that a problem? She would then be in a facility, covered by Medicare. This gives you some time to plan.

Should she remain in a facility, perhaps with Medicaid pending and hospice services? I think perhaps the dr is suggesting rehab because he sees that you can't do this anymore alone. Find the social worker and have a talk with him/ her.



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