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rita522fromgal Asked February 2015

My Mom's is in a nursing home. They are wanting to put a woman with her who likes to control things. What can I do?

My mother has dementia, but she likes to be able to see out into the hall. The lady wants the door closed most of the time. Also, my mother needs to checked in on during the night and reposition, but this lady doesn't like for the nurses to come in at night. I was not informed about this lady being moved by the social worker. I found out when the lady paid me and my mother a visit yesterday. Don't my mother have rights and don't I have a voice in this matter also has my mother's POA?

freqflyer Feb 2015
I agree with Pam above, talk to the Staff. Sounds like it is very important that the Staff check on your Mom at night and to reposition her... her new roommate should have any say on this.

I know how your Mom feels about wanting to have the door open so she can see down the hall.... I was the same way whenever I was in the hospital, as it gives you a sense of being apart of the group, not closed up in a room. When the roommate moves in, your Mom and the roommate can compromise.

pamstegma Feb 2015
Don't believe anything you hear from the lady. Talk to staff.



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