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Clareg01 Asked February 2015

My partner's Mom is insisting that every tv program is a repeat and she's seen it before. She is blaming us for this. Advice?

It began with the Soaps, which she used to love, and now she's refusing to watch them. Now it is every TV programme and she thinks her granddaughter has caused the tv to repeat all programmes. She is adamant she is right. We have gone along with it and had the tv repair people out twice, and now she is getting very agressive about this issue and we can't distract her.

1stBeautyClub Feb 2015
I was engaged to a man who learned he had colon cancer. I cared for him when all of a sudden he began saying that all my telephone conversations were the same, he'd seen every television program before. Everything was just peat and repeat. Maybe that was a part of either his illness or medication.

1stBeautyClub Feb 2015
Good answers, I experienced that when caring for a friend once.


Eyerishlass Feb 2015
I agree with Babalou. Your partner's mom may need an anti-anxiety medication to help curb the obsession and the aggression.

BarbBrooklyn Feb 2015
You should talk to her doctor about this. It is a change in mental status, she may require a change in meds. Has she been checked for a UTI?


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