Good heavens, we aren't Miracle Workers here. I realize people write in a panic, but when it comes to physical issues that happen within hours, there is no way any of us can figure out what happened or why or how to fix it. We aren't physicians. And if any of us had something similar there is no guarantee it was from the same cause.
I know if my legs-arms-wrist-neck all locked up, I would have been on the phone to 911 stat.... because it could have been a variety of things that could have caused it.
If I could not move, I would definitely be getting to the ER, or if I could get to my family doctor they would be calling the ambulance for me. It's very expensive but it's the place to go with life or death issues like,.possible stroke or diabetic coma, or grand mal seizure, or chemical poisoning or whatever could have these symptoms.
Lol dont call 911, 911isnt always the answer morons and the same thing happened to me when i was workin myself to the bone i ended up needing potassium and if this hasnt happened to you or your not a doctor keep your opinion to yourself because the person obviously needs edvice not to go to the er or call 911 all they do is cause problems the cops would probably just laugh at you and accuse you of being on drugs cops=criminal with badge FACT!
Please people, Moondance, have you read all of my blogs to read about me. Everytime I write do I have to give every detail. Let me rephrase Thank you but I need no more responses. It is an overwhelming response that does not have the time or the people on it, for people anymore such as a caregiver that took care of a dying client 14 hours a day, and I have ended up very ill, unfortunately, I have been doing everything to take care of every inch of the issue. I have a brain. I would suspect that many of the questions I see here, I believe most people write under duress because the website is the name " Meaning those that are aging, and those that care for Am I wrong? So, with that being said, last year I would write a question, and I know my writing style hasn't changed that dramatically, but this year, I have not asked many questions, mainly because the main people that I found to be very helpful have not been online. (perhaps burnout, or exhausted from the tone of peoples emails) . What about compassion? What about the tone? What about the way you come across. Really What about this 1)I am seeing people I have cared for over the years with too many diagnoses to even state here. GET YOUR SELF INTO YOUR PHYSICIAN. You give no history of yourself & put this out~It scares me & I have an active license I wish to protect~I wish you nothing but FAST RECOVERY OR 2) HELLO, i read your post, and it is one that does not state much information, but from what I read, you have been a caregiver an extensive one for many years, and one with many 5 star ratings, and you give your all. I do not have any off hand information, and I am sure as a college degree in Psychology and a woman that has been very involve with the elderly and their health, I know you have been in contact with your doctor. I do not have any answers but do keep us in contact.
People, where is your understanding that we are all human, where is the compassion? This never was a rough em up get them tough website.
As I kindly stated, I should write my question different, and I have tried to get this removed, and I just don't want to deal with the negative people here.
Thank you for those of you that do care, and know me, and know of my life, and my family, and my two parents with Alzheimers' and PPA, and my two sisters, and my two sons, and my husband, and all of the details that I did not post above, because I thought that if someone is on this website, they usually go to the history to read about the type of comments. Apparently it is I that needs to be updated, until then, could all of you please respect that I care for no more answers, and of course my Rheumatologist is checking things out, after my Internal Med Doctor found a few issues.
Thanks to all of you, and peace be with you, and please take the time to help others today.
I guess my question would have been, if you contacted and visited your doctor; why didn't he give a diagnosis or treatment. We are not medical personnel for the most part and have no way of diagnosing anything sounding that serious. Hopefully, she takes the time off to take very good care of herself.
I am seeing people I have cared for over the years with too many diagnoses to even state here. GET YOUR SELF INTO YOUR PHYSICIAN. You give no history of yourself & put this out~It scares me & I have an active license I wish to protect~I wish you nothing but FAST RECOVERY~Please see your physician...If nothing more know that you do not walk alone~now go call your physician, please. I am glad you have reached out~many don't have a place safe to go to & find suggestions.
Live; I am sorry for your troubles. On this site, it becomes apparent quickly that the clarity and specificity with which a question is asked results in a better quality answer. If you had added the detail that you had already called the doctor, I do not doubt that you would have gotten responses that did not tell you that THAT was the first thing to do. Some writers did speculate that low calcium or seizure activity could be the cause.
Please remember that we are not experts; we're fellow caregivers. We give opinions from our own experience. We are also only human. Good luck to you.
I am signing off for a while, a few month's, and hopefully when I come back, I will be able to ask questions so that people understand.
And, 1) I called my dr. asap after hours 2) I called my hospital at 2:00am asap 3) I went to my dr. at 8:00am the very first appt I could. 4) I am a caregiver, that is why I use this site. 5) I am educated, and know that if something is an emergency you call 911, go to the ER, call your Dr.
5) The way people answer regardless of who is asking the question, makes many feel like they have an IQ of 1. I am sorry but really people. I wrote this late, after I called my doctors. Where is the understanding that possibly the people here are under a tremendous amount of stress and I am at this point as my client passed on in October, and now, I am caring for my PPA (Primary Progressive Father, and last stage Alzheimer's mother). Kindly realize I have always been a healthy woman, and yet, I always could come to this website without being judged. That just isn't the case, so I am saying, I will come back later, or find another way to find the support. I would never use this as a emergency line. I just asked a question.
I wish all of you the best in your journeys with caring for your loved ones, or people that you are caring for.
PEOPLE! This is not a forum for emergency situations. This forum can provide useful advice for ongoing situations, but anything like this should be treated as a true emergency, with I visit to a physician, ED, or Urgent Care facility.
By "locked up" do you mean they stopped working? This rigidity is a sign of low calcium, but you need to tell your doctor and have him/her orders tests.
Was it short term or is everything still locked up? If your body is locking up short term you might be having a myclonic siezures. Look up the definition and see if it applies to your symptoms. But, I agree with cmagnum make an appointment and see your primary care physician soon.
22 Answers
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I know if my legs-arms-wrist-neck all locked up, I would have been on the phone to 911 stat.... because it could have been a variety of things that could have caused it.
Everytime I write do I have to give every detail.
Let me rephrase
Thank you but I need no more responses. It is an overwhelming response that does not have the time or the people on it, for people anymore such as a caregiver that took care of a dying client 14 hours a day, and I have ended up very ill, unfortunately, I have been doing everything to take care of every inch of the issue. I have a brain.
I would suspect that many of the questions I see here, I believe most people write under duress because the website is the name " Meaning those that are aging, and those that care for Am I wrong?
So, with that being said, last year I would write a question, and I know my writing style hasn't changed that dramatically, but this year, I have not asked many questions, mainly because the main people that I found to be very helpful have not been online. (perhaps burnout, or exhausted from the tone of peoples emails) .
What about compassion?
What about the tone?
What about the way you come across.
What about this
1)I am seeing people I have cared for over the years with too many diagnoses to even state here. GET YOUR SELF INTO YOUR PHYSICIAN. You give no history of yourself & put this out~It scares me & I have an active license I wish to protect~I wish you nothing but FAST RECOVERY
2) HELLO, i read your post, and it is one that does not state much information, but from what I read, you have been a caregiver an extensive one for many years, and one with many 5 star ratings, and you give your all.
I do not have any off hand information, and I am sure as a college degree in Psychology and a woman that has been very involve with the elderly and their health, I know you have been in contact with your doctor. I do not have any answers but do keep us in contact.
People, where is your understanding that we are all human, where is the compassion?
This never was a rough em up get them tough website.
As I kindly stated, I should write my question different, and I have tried to get this removed, and I just don't want to deal with the negative people here.
Thank you for those of you that do care, and know me, and know of my life, and my family, and my two parents with Alzheimers' and PPA, and my two sisters, and my two sons, and my husband, and all of the details that I did not post above, because I thought that if someone is on this website, they usually go to the history to read about the type of comments. Apparently it is I that needs to be updated,
until then, could all of you please respect that I care for no more answers, and of course my Rheumatologist is checking things out, after my Internal Med Doctor found a few issues.
Thanks to all of you, and peace be with you, and please take the time to help others today.
Please remember that we are not experts; we're fellow caregivers. We give opinions from our own experience. We are also only human. Good luck to you.
1) I called my dr. asap after hours
2) I called my hospital at 2:00am asap
3) I went to my dr. at 8:00am the very first appt I could.
4) I am a caregiver, that is why I use this site.
5) I am educated, and know that if something is an emergency you call 911, go to the ER, call your Dr.
5) The way people answer regardless of who is asking the question, makes many feel like they have an IQ of 1. I am sorry but really people. I wrote this late, after I called my doctors. Where is the understanding that possibly the people here are under a tremendous amount of stress and I am at this point as my client passed on in October, and now, I am caring for my PPA (Primary Progressive Father, and last stage Alzheimer's mother). Kindly realize I have always been a healthy woman, and yet, I always could come to this website without being judged. That just isn't the case, so I am saying, I will come back later, or find another way to find the support.
I would never use this as a emergency line. I just asked a question.
I wish all of you the best in your journeys with caring for your loved ones, or people that you are caring for.
My motto
Life is a journey not a race.