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Christine73 Asked February 2015

Mom is refusing to let the nursing home staff bathe her. Tips?

My mother with Alzheimer's hates to bathe generally. I have had her showed time changed to a shift when I can be with her at the nursing home, but sometimes she refuses and I can't get her to take one. I am concerned about her heath. Has anyone else tried anything that worked in getting your elderly loved one to be willing to bathe? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

pamstegma Feb 2015
First, get written orders from her MD that she is to be bathed at least weekly. Second, have him write an order for calming meds one hour before the bath or shower.
Third, you don't need to be there. Patients are actually more cooperative with the RN's than they are with relatives.

Castle Feb 2015
I was a privately hired caregiver, who helped a patient in the Nursing Home, for 3 hours a day. You can hire outside aides to help. Make sure however, that they feel skilled at getting the person to get to the bathroom and shower. I woke up a patient, and she was incontinent at night, and she often refused to get up, so I would kneel by the bed and keep her company and agree that being cozy is good. After a few minutes, she would be a bit more active conversing with me, and I would agree with what she was saying, even a complaint. And then I'd repeat, let's get you headed towards getting up - and move the blanket off her, and agree with her complaint, add a hug, say I understand what a pain it is. My attention was on any moment where I could say, OK, let's sit up, and I'd help with that process, and pause. After a bit, say with my arms in position to help her use my hand to pull herself up OK, let's go, it's so important, doing great.

And once she was up, I'd keep up my banter as well as my guided push towards the bathroom. Agree with her, empathetically, and in a moment, just make next suggestion, as if it was not connected to her earlier refusal, as if that had been part of a process which was understandable and we are now moving on.

And it's like moving a car on a snowy road, once moving, focus steady movement with no stops - minimize the length of those, in positive but focused way. Be sure ahead of time, that bathroom is set up safely. Have towels and underwear handy for later. Step by step. I didn't worry about time, and I might emerge from shower helping, wetter than she was. Having a MD order is a good idea, even for twice a week.

Some aides are good at this, make sure it's happening. When I left that job with that woman, the next aide kept writing in her notes, "pt refused to shower. Non-compliant." And no showers were done, only sponge baths, where it is hard to see what's being cleaned with a large person. Two months later she developed a red rash so large and so bad she had to be sent to a pain management center for several weeks. So make sure they are tracking each time she actually HAS a shower, and there is a process in place for effective care.


willows Feb 2015
My hubby, who has dementia, would freak out if I try to get him under a shower or into the bath tub. I sponge bathe him in bits and pieces, and he always comes up smelling like a rose. I do his torso one day and his legs and feet a day or two later. Needless to say, I wash his privates whenever he is incontinent, which is very often. I am fortunate in that I have family living in the upstairs apartment, and I have a wonderful support system. Be that as it may, there is no reason whatsoever why a caregiver should not be satisfied with a sponge bath as I have outlined. There is no law that the patient has to have a shower or a bath. No law at all! :)

pipruby Feb 2015
Try to make the shower as much a pleasure as possible, with a reward at the end. I use Shampoo on my Dad, tea tree by OGX/organix. The hair and back are like a back rub, he sits in the shower chair and holds the hand held spray(control) Then he gets coached through the rest of the bath/shower washing himself with a wash cloth, while the aide (or me) holds the spray. After he is done, he gets ice cream or hot coco with whipped cream. He gets lots of praise for how clean his skin is, how good it looks, How handsome he is, how improved the purple on his legs is, how his black toe nails are almost gone *Wild Harvest Tea Tree Ointment), etc. It works better for the aides than for me, but it works.

Linda1950 Feb 2015
Tell her that she has a date. That she needs to bath and do her hair. Take the time once a week to do her nails and feet along with her hair. If she wore make up do this to. Make it a special day. This will give you time to check her skin conditions, in case she might have torn skin or sores. This will give you a special memory when she passes away.

Eboneezer Feb 2015
My wife is reluctant to take a shower.. I find that promising to shave her armpits helps, and I always, always tell her how good she looks afterwards, how gorgeous her hair is looking... Of course she forgets by the time it's time for the next one, but sometimes a little trigger helps.. E.g. Let's get your hair looking good again.. Think how good you will feel afterwards.. Let's get you nice and clean then you can try that new blouse/dress/bra on..

jajocaregiver08 Feb 2015
There is a product called "bath in a bag" which can be extremely helpful. Everything you need to clean the individual is in a bag that you place in the microwave to heat to an appropriate warmth. It is really a no fuss no mess way to keep your loved one clean. You should be able to find it at local pharmacy's, I think Wal-Mart carries a similar product as well.

Castle Mar 2015
Cricketfarms, I think that answer is perfect. I also have made comparisons at times between animal care and human care - and as I see it, some of the processes are the same. If we are dealing with a fearful being (maybe in humans it's possible for elders to mask a fear by trying to distract us or telling jokes - or even criticizing us and getting into an argument - but the signals of fear are very similar - they draw away when afraid. And the process of treatment is the same - if you decide they need a bath, understand they will be afraid, but have everything set up in advance, to make it go smoothly. And guide them towards it, pause if they draw back, reaffirm how important and good this is, and guide them slightly forward. Don't stop for any reasons of your own, be ready to guide them smoothly, safely, calmly, through the sequence at each stage, including getting to the bath or shower, and stepping in. I usually put the water on first, on warm enough, and guide them safely into it. For elders who are objecting, I tell them how important it is, to avoid infection, that they will smell good, that the water feels good - while focusing my actions on their safe movement, and the full completion of tasks involved. If they are able to wash their own privates, I hand them the facecloth with soap on it, and help them afterwards to be sure all areas were reached and all soap is removed - that's easy to persuade them, with the suggestion that they do not want to feel itchy afterwards. If they need to turn I just ask them to do so, while guiding this safely. When they are holding on or sitting, ask them to lift the foot for me. The clear focus on communication and shared process works well. Allowing any other conversation to go on, is a distraction that can signal the caregiver's fear - best to accept what comes up, and like meditation advice, just gently but clearly return to the tasks until the complete process is done. I love the mantra you suggest: As gently as possible, as firmly as necessary."

Castle Mar 2015
Well, it's a bit funny that I had to deal with this situation today. But of course, it's a different person and a different set of prior circumstances and activities. And I help this 95 year old woman as companion, 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. She needed a shower, and her family usually do it, but could not, and I was asked to give her one, and she said no.

I said OK, and sat with her at the table and we talked. After a while, she wanted to know why she was supposed to have a shower today. I explained that she had missed two shower opportunities recently. She said "oh". I didn't try to persuade her. I agreed, she would not want to get cold. Finally, she said, well, what time would this shower be? I said 10 AM (it was then 9) - and said nothing more about it. By 9:40, she asked what needed to be done before the shower - and she helped me get her glasses case for her glasses, and I could say thanks, and tell her I want to have her clothes and everything ready so that she won't get cold - she helped me set it up, and I made sure the water was right temp and all went smoothly, I let her clean her privates, but did all the rest, gently, steadily..

It helps a lot to have time, be calm and to go with the person's choices and at their pace. I was taught by a superb worker in a program for cognitively disabled, to say "Yes, and", not "No" or "But". Focus on new clean clothes and beauty, not criticize filthy clothes. I don't mean to criticize others - there are times it doesn't always work. But agreeing with the positive works, just laughing at life together, pausing taking time - better to get closer with permission, than trying to explain or persuade or rush, if the person is set against it. Not at all easy for any family member to do, and also not for busy staff in facilities - but it does work better over time sometimes.

Cricketfarms Mar 2015
Don't anyone think I am callous for this comparison, but we raise horses, and I have often found similarities between dealing with fearful or nervous horses and either young children or people dealing with dementia issues. For instance, many horses are fearful of a bath and this is how we deal with them:

You don't ask if they want a bath, of course they don't. But you know they need one and are calm and respectful, but gently firm. Our trainer likes to say, "As gently as possible, as firmly as necessary." You have all your supplies ready and everything in place to make the experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible. You start bathing in the areas they are most comfortable with, taking your time and talking soothingly all the while. Then move on gently to a surrounding area. If any resistance is encountered, you move back to where it was comfortable for them for awhile and move on again until you are done. If it's chilly a rubdown with several nice heated towels is a good way to end and make sure it is always a positive experience for them. Then tell them how good they were and don't they feel and look and smell nice? The most important aspects are calmness on your part (becoming angry about an irrational fear never helps) and not seeming to rush through it (while at the same time not taking any longer than is necessary and dragging it out). When they have a negative experience it only makes it harder the next time, for the both of you.

This may sound patronizing, and I know people are not animals, but if you are dealing with someone who has unwarranted fear or irrational reluctance and cannot be logically reasoned with, it may help someone.

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