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Frankie123456 Asked February 2015

Is there anything I can do to stop my Mom missing the toilet, and pooing all over the floor?

My mum got diagnosed with dementia when she was 48, 4 years later she's a lot worse, she's an early riser sometimes getting up at 4/5 Im up at half 6 which is pretty early anyway , sometimes she's still in bed other times she's not , if she's up on her own she'l manage having a wee but then I've noticed after that she thinks she's not on the toilet and panics so stands up thus poo going everywhere , in her hands down her legs etc I'm only 21 and got to deal with that :( tried her with nappies but she just pulls them down, anyone got any advice?

Miasmom1 Mar 2015
"By the way, invest in latex, disposable gloves and keep them by her toilet to wear during the cleanup." thanks so much txcamper for saying that. I came down with c. diff several days after my Dad's passing on january 21 and today is the first day I am feeling anything close to normal, mentally and physically. I wasn't even the main caregiver with Dad. Good luck Frankie!

pamstegma Mar 2015
Frankie, mum needs a nursing home. You have a life to begin and she needs 24/7 care. No person can do that alone, it would kill them. I would want my son to get on with his own life, and let the nurses tend to me.


malloryg8r Mar 2015
Gosh I'm so sorry to hear of your trial. This sounds awful. I will pray for you. My mom is still pretty good with making it to toilette (so.far). Take care of your Self.

Smeltzer31970 Feb 2015
I agree, I have a monitor in my room so I can hear her when she wakes up.

xxxxxxxx Feb 2015
Put a baby monitor in her room, close to the bed. When you hear her get up, go to her and help her. Are you her only caregiver or are there others in the house? Perhaps you can take turns with the receiver end so that each of you will have an uninterrupted sleep occasionally.

Of course she pulls down the disposable underwear, that's what you do when you go to the toilet. Are you saying she does at other times too?

By the way, invest in latex, disposable gloves and keep them by her toilet to wear during the cleanup.


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