She also has lost the ability to spit when i try to brush her teeth. She refuses to take her top teeth out so we can soak them;we only get the bottom plate because she will push it out so i have to grab it. She no longer wants to brush her teeth and now they bleed. On her last dentist appointment we had to reschedule because of snow. What can we do?
2 Answers
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As far as the teeth go, see if you can get them out yourself. If she has glued them in, you may have to carefully pull on the part that is on the roof of her mouth to break the suction. Does she have any natural teeth left, or is it a full plate?
If she doesn't have much spit, she sounds dehydrated. Or do you mean that she cannot perform the act of spitting? If you ever get her upper plate out, you could wash her mouth with those sponges on a stick and then she wouldn't really need to spit.
Call the dentist and tell them your situation. They may be able to tell you over the phone how is the best way to get the teeth out. Then you could take her in when you can.