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alert2015 Asked February 2015

How to get emotional support from your only sister?

I often try to explain to my only sister about Alzheimers Disease and what its doing to my husband she never has time for me and/or tells to to stop over reacting and basically get a life...

ilovemom2 Mar 2015
My sisters knew exactly what I was going through and turned their backs on me, only it wasn't my husband, it was their mother! Getting angry at me gave them the excuse they needed not to care for their mother. I would not mind an indifferent sister, it is way better than having a mean angry ones.

BarbBrooklyn Mar 2015
Realworld, I'm so sorry about your sister's lack of empathy. We've got lots of ears here! Welcome!


Countrymouse Feb 2015
There are some experiences you can't begin to grasp until you've had them. Like bereavement, or childbirth, or redundancy. No matter how good your imagination or empathy normally are, the reality is that you look back and realise that you had No Idea, none, of what it feels like.

It could be that one day your sister will see AD in someone she loves, and she will realise then what you are going through. But I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Try to forgive her, perhaps by accepting that she has no clue and nothing you can say can make it real to her. She is letting you down but she doesn't understand how.

Whitney Feb 2015
I understand how you feel, as I have two sisters who adamantly refuse to help me with caregiving for our elderly folks. I tried to figure them out for years, but couldn't, and the closest I came was thinking they had personality disorders, such as narcissism. They were not only uncaring to me, but to our elderly parents, but I have just tried to emotionally "divorce" myself from them, and I have no respect for them. Sometimes karma happens, and although I do not wish your sister any ill will, possibly someday she will be in a situation where her life may have some problems. It's unfortunate that we can't choose our siblings.

Francis Feb 2015
Wow. It is hard to force someone to see or understand something if they are blind to it or unwilling to try. You will find lots of sisters on this site with great insight and advice and (((HUGS))). This may be one of those tad-bit-evil ideas, but you could go visit your sister and leave him there saying you have an emergency. For her to see and deal with first hand what it is like.....sorry if that offends anyone here, I have first hand experience in my life that some of those around me didn't really understand until they encountered my mom and stayed with her for a period of time. And some didn't truly understand until they offered to stay with her so I could get out for a day. If that doesn't have an impact on your sister, then she is truly one of the most self-centered persons I have ever heard of.


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