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LizzyHall Asked March 2015

How long do these symptoms last in the elderly?

My aged mother has uti and has been hallucinating and very ill for long does this last

hope22 Mar 2015
My Mama has had a severe UTI for a while...hospice was informing me they believed she was in the end of life process. I had seen these symptoms before and I finally got them to prescribe cipro for her....There was a marked improvement in my Mama within 12 hours of starting the cipro...Her final dose will be this morning around 10:00 but she has continued to improve daily...but did show signs of improvement within the first 12 hours of the first dose...which for her...has been the norm...I hope your Mom improves soon....

jeannegibbs Mar 2015
Until the uti is completely cleared up. I assume Mother is on antibiotics. Is she in a hospital? I think usually you see good results within a few days, but it can take longer for all symptoms to go away.



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