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behopeful Asked March 2015

Please help, now bed bugs, how do I deal with this?

Mom lives with me, she's at an advanced stage of dementia. There's a lot going on that is too overwhelming. Our apartment complex is being demolished at the end of the year. I've been struggling to find us susiasized housing . We do qualify under elderly, senior, disabled and invoke based. I've gone onto the main Charlotte, Mecklenburg Housong website but am very confused. I don't know areas and I don't know how to navigate the website. I've bee. Struggling with this for three years and have not been able to make any progress.

To add more stress, we've just discovered bedbugs. No idea how it happened but we've had three exterminators and have been told three different things. We don't have the $750 to $1100 that was quoted. Over and above the financial issue, it's an incredible amount of physical work, not to mention emotional too. Physically I'm not well enough or able and my health is already in jeopardy due to taking care of mom. I have one person who could help minimally however it's going to take a lot. For a week I've been I such a panic about this situation.
I called the Medicaid social worker and she said there's nothing she can do. I've told the rental office (we are not currently living in subsidized housing) and they said we need to "take care of it". I'm not sure what to do, my mom has dementia, I'm disabled, were on a fixed income only receiving social security. And then there's the huge issue of finding subsidized housing as soon as possible and now the bed bugs .....!!!

freqflyer Mar 2015
Behopeful, from your postings it sounds like you are unable to do any of the laundry. Is that correct? Curious who helps you with that? Do you have any friends who could take the sheets, pillow cases, mattress pads to the laundromat to wash with hot water and dry in hot heat? Any friends who could help you vacuum the mattress and surrounding area? It would be a start to help eliminate some of the bedbugs.

vstefans Mar 2015
Behopeful, I not only don't MAKE the rules, I don't agree with the rules, and I do agree that the way things are really bites, no pun intended! When I first started looking up stuff for you I did Charlottesville instead of Charlotte, and freaked because their wait lists were closed or closing by Monday. It looks like in Charlotte though you can at least try to make some applications. You may run into dead ends with some of those phone numbers and the other thing I found myself worried about is if you can get out to go interview and apply in person where it says that's what they want. I hoped, and now that you posted something a little feister :-) I think that although you are stressed and feeling like you can't deal with it, maybe you can!


pamstegma Mar 2015
Behopeful, vstefans does not write the rules he is just giving you the link. You are not going anywhere until you are bedbug free. The Housing authority won't take you now that they know you have the bugs. Follow Captain's advice about killing the little beasties.

behopeful Mar 2015
Vstefans. Where is this coming from. You don't know me or the circumstances and to imply that our habits and practices may have detriments, effects on others is somewhat harsh. You obviously don't know much about bedbugs. We have seen 3 bed bugs and the fact that I'm asking for help no way implies or insinuates that Im going to live with it. A little support and encouragement wouldn't hurt. Posting on a website maybe once or twice a year is no indication of what I can and cannot do.

vstefans Mar 2015
Well, to top that off, if you are not already on the wait list, you have one more problem: According to, "The Authority will deny admission to any applicant whose habits and practices may be expected to have a detrimental effect on other tenants or on the community's environment." But if you can get in, you go to this page and decide which places you want to get on the wait list for.

The only other thing I can find is this page: - though they apparently don't intervene directly unless someone is 72 hours away form being homeless, there is a list of agencies to call.

vstefans Mar 2015
Behopeful, it sounds like you think that if you find it hard to do there should be someone else to do it for you, and in reality, there isn't...Medicaid SW does not consider it her job to help you launder and clean your home, and neither does your landlord. Is there a way to overcome your fear, your fatigue, and your disabilities, whatever they are and get started on doing what needs done? Or is there a church, a local group of volunteers, or maybe the Ursulines operate in your area? Is it possible a home health aide could be called in? Would your only other option be to place Mom in skilled nursing with Medicaid coverage, and you abandon the place after cleaning yourself up and putting on brand new clothes and going to a shelter until you can get on your feet and through whatever wait list there is for subsidized housing? You are on here and posting cogently, you obviously know how to use a search engine and a computer reasonably well. Or are you in such bad physical shape you need a nursing home or assisted living yourself, long term? The harsh reality is if you actually cannot take care of yourself and your mom, something has to give. It is not OK to just live with bedbugs and when you say "just barely hanging on" the question is really how "barely?" If adequate food, skin care, odor control, other pest problems, are things you can't manage it means one thing - and if you can manage all that despite your difficulties, then maybe you are spending too much energy panicking and telling yourself how you can't do it when maybe you could do it, one thing at a time, when the other person can help you. People will step and and help you more if they see you are trying to do any part you can. Are you really saying you will die if you start trying to do massive amounts of laundry, vaccuum, and get a new mattress?

freqflyer Mar 2015
Behopeful, even if you move to a new residence, the bedbugs will move along with you unless you do something about it now. Sorry, there isn't any easy solution.

behopeful Mar 2015
Oh deae, help! I do know what's involved, I just believe that my life and my moms is way more important than removing bedbug. That's about what it's boiled down to. Neither of us physically is in a position to do what it takes in our situation

anonymous158299 Mar 2015
research bed bugs on this site and read every word ive ever written about them . all the pertinent info is there but its too much to keep rewriting it . you can kill them , i have .. it take a couple or three months to do it .

behopeful Mar 2015
Ok, what I meant was that I am very ill, my mom has dementia. It's taking all out of me taking care of my mom and I'm not able to deal with all that phisical labor. Even if I wasn't taking taking care of my mom, I wouldn't physically be able to do all that work. Im also concerned how the mess and disruption will effect my mom (and me). Honestly, I'm barely hanging in. And we have to find a new home in less than one year We have no family

freqflyer Mar 2015
How to get rid of bed bugs.... go to the website WebMD and type in the search mode "bedbugs", lot of good advice such as wash all bedding in hot water and dry in high heat cycle.... lot of other good tips.


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