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EM1908 Asked March 2015

My Mom is refusing to leave the home and there is no one to care for her. What do I do?

pamstegma Mar 2015
You, like most of us, wait for her to fall and end up in the ER. You get her to sign the Health Care Proxy if you can. You work with the Discharge Coordinator and make it clear she lives alone because she will lie and say someone is there to care for her. You get temporary emergency guardianship with the help of the Social Worker and a Lawyer. Then you get her to Assisted Living or a Nursing Home.

littletonway Mar 2015
You might talk to her doctor, explaining there is no one available to care for her. He may suggest an in home evaluation and you can go from there. They listen to a third party more than their own children at times. If she goes to the hospital, let the social team know she is alone at home without care. They will not send her home and will find a place for her. Good luck.


notrydoyoda Mar 2015
About the only thing you can do is file for guardianship so that you can remove her form her home and place her where she can get 24/7 care. First of all, a doctor must diagnose her as incompetent and fill out a form. This is expensive.


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