He drank hard all his life, now I can't get him out of bed. I cant get him out of the bed as I have a bad back. He was terminated from his long time job for gonig to work drunk. He lost his retirement and insurance. I have to work so I have to leave him by himself. I'm very worried about what is going to happen if I cant figure out how to help him. He doesn't want to go anywhere he wants to die in his home. Can you give me advise on how to keep him home but be able to keep him clean as well?
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soooooo.....? !!!......Get with social services available in that county.......!!!
Yes - Veronica91 - you are right and so is porchpickles.... yet the way I read theVirg's text... I can't help but imagine that her stepdad is in withdrawal or beyond that point in depression and suffers male-incontinence. Most likely has liver problems and more... Can you imagine how bad he feels about himself ??? He needs medical and financial aid. If she cannot help him out of bed, he must be able to get himself out ocassionally with some effort.... As I said, clarification by theVirg about those points would help. Does he still have access to drinks, and can he walk about ...??? Yet I am sure that between working and homeduties in her situation, she has little time for herself or to blog...
,,,,,,,, if I remember right I suggested getting Social Services involved as the least costly start to relieve her stepdad's situation... Just call places,,, don't worry about asking dumb questions, that personnel is trained to ask the right questions of you during the conversation, ...even call Alcoholic's Anonymous if he still has drinks...
Years back I have dealt with alcoholics, and attended AA... for a year plus... but in the end it was the medical help that helped straighten out things and the Alcoholic was so glad to have had help to get rid of the monkey on his back.... turned into a different, pleasant person... as it also helped remove the depression..
That step of getting Soc.Services involved is so necessary to prevent accidents of several kinds - while she is not there, the worst of it being an involuntarily-set fire....... TheVirg would never forgive herself if that became the end of this situation.
Calling in Soc.Services is so urgent here... as it takes a while to get all that set up and he may even be placed onto a waiting list....
Most counties do have agencies that will know how to get her help... as I received after moving to a new state and bringing my ill parents there....... as every county works it a little differently........ I wish theVirg strength and I wish her well !!! and God bless !!!
AND... for 'thevirg" to call 911.... PLEASE understand that since this man has no health-insurance.....calling 911 in our county costs hefty dollars in the neighborhood of $175.-- last time I looked, about 3 years back, just for that transport to the hospital......which has to be paid by the family!!! Then she better call and find out how much it costs to be seen in the ER for someone WITHOUT insurance !!! That will shock her... and possibly throw her into financial difficulties for years....
It might be advisable AND A LOT LESS EXPENSIVE THAN AN ER VISIT to just look online, to find and call SOCIAL SERVICES and keep following their suggestions and see if they can come to the house at a time when she is home..!!!
That visit should be FREE, and will give the Social worker a much better Idea of what needs fixing and suggest or put into action the available services... and again WHAT INSURANCES , LIKE MEDICAID , are available FIRST and BEFORE taking any other actions... !!!
Yet if he is really ill feeling... I am hoping that 'thevirg" can arrange to get some friend or relative to help her get him into the car on a seat covered with depends and some pinned on him, or a Urinal propped in front of him during the trip ...since a Depend can leak, and take him to the ER.. where she can ask for a stretcher or wheelchair...and help ... to get him inside... she should ask the doc or other personnel for a Sodial-worker and request info how to get him on some form of INSURANCE ...or whatever PAYMENT ASSISTANCE format happens to be used in her county?
So the time to take him to the ER should be during business hours, where she can be more assured to have availability to a social worker. ALSO yes she should then indicate that she can no longer care for him... as it is dangerous to just leave him alone....I assume for at least 9=10 hours each working day....!!! .... All bad possibilities have to be considered here !!!
A man in this condition home alone could even accidently start a fire in the kitchen
I do wish 'thevirg" a good and quick and responsible solution that will not end up making her feel like " I wish I had done more and had done it sooner" ... after the worst has happened..!!!!!!
It could also leave her in bankruptcy .... and would NOT get hospice until the house is set up and secure, so no tempting piece of jewelry or little Hummel statue is sitting about to be abducted.... in other words... lock up all valuables securely...
It is not fair to poorly paid aides to have valuables tempting them.... plus at times the patient may break or loose something, for which then the aide gets blamed, as patients are often very forgetful of their actions.
I am wondering how Hospice could be of help anyway... since 'thevirg" is at work all day... I would not hand out keys to the house......They would have to come after she is back home each day..... that would not help during the day.!!!...........
Hospice would be the last agency I would call in this situation.
Well.... lots to consider.!!! I do wish her well !!!