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Beachdiva Asked March 2015

Can AD diagnosis be wrong?

84 year old mother recently diagnosed with Dementia due to AD. This is after first checking hearing,clearing a UTI,blood work,everything I could think of before Neurologist. After many test,brain wave,CT and MRI....he confirmed what he thought .Aricept in 5mg was started and now she seems better at times others not so much!
I'm glad she's doing better and feel guilty at the same time!
What should I do? HELP!

pamstegma Mar 2015
Beach, the second stage of griefwork is Denial. I thin that is about where you are. Once we are over the initial shock, we hope the MD's are wrong. We want a miracle and are angry when we don't get one. Sort of like folks that post a question here and blow their top when we tell them something they don't want to hear. Eventually we all get to the acceptance part. Hope you do soon.

BarbBrooklyn Mar 2015
Beach, guilt is a feeling that you can legitimately feel if you've wronged someone. Is what you're feeling guilt, or sadness?

It sounds to me like you've done everything in your power to get your mom accurately diagnosed and treated. And you feel happy that sometimes she's doing better. (My mom has vascular dementia, follows national politics avidly and is more up on issues than I am. She still can't recall what she had for breakfast or what order to put her clothes on).

I'm not trying to deny your feelings, I just think perhaps they are something different from what you are labeling them.



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