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tazgreer68 Asked March 2015

I want to get home health care for my mother-in-law so I can get a break once in a while. Advice?

she lives with us.i just found out if she says no there is nothing we can do.

panapal Mar 2015
Best thing I ever did was pick up the phone and call my states Dept. of aging. You would be amazed at the programs they provide for caregivers who are continuing to care for family in the home. Monthly care costs the state on average about $10,000.00 a month.

pamstegma Mar 2015
I think I would start by asking her MD to order a bath aide once a week. The next question is how will she pay for it? It won't be cheap.


freqflyer Mar 2015
What I would suggest is to back off on some of the things that you do for your Mom-in-law. And if she asks you to do such and such just tell her "sorry, I just can't do that".... then, and maybe then your Mom-in-law will say yes to you having some one come in to help. But make sure the cost comes from your Mom-in-law, and not you and your husband.


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