My Step Mom has always been mean and crazy, but lately she keeps losing things, running into things when she is driving (not other cars), can't remember where things are...gets lost when she is driving, etc....She doesn't think anything is wrong with her - she thought it was always my Dad. She would call the police almost weekly on my Dad. She would tell the police that my Dad who could hardly walk put cameras in her bedroom (they slept in different bedrooms). She takes pain pills and kept saying my Dad was stealing them. I wrote yesterday a question on here - regarding my Dad and trying to help him. He is in the hospital and needing to go into nursing home. My Step - Mom will not pay a penny for his care. I have POA - and trying to get things worked out. She hates me. I have called adult protective services on her - per the nursing home he was in before going to the hospital. She verbal abuses him. The nursing home will not let him back in when he leaves the hospital b/c of my Step-Mom.
Anyways - she needs help! She needs to be n a nursing home herself. So my question is even though I don't like her - she needs help! How do someone go about doing so? She and I don't have a relationship anymore b/c of me trying to help my Dad - (me pay for his nursing home with private pay) she thinks I'm trying to take money from her - My Dad and I made an apt with her doctor back in August to tell him she needs help (the doctor is pretty much a quack doctor anyways) but he said that he couldn't prescribe her medicine b/c she doesn't think anything is wrong with herself. He said there wasn't anything my Dad nor I could do??????
34 Answers
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I hope your father is resting under a beach umbrella in the heavenly version of Hawaii. He earned it. I am sorry that you lost him. I admire that you were able to stick by him while tolerating such abuse from his wife. He'll probably save you a seat at his cabana when it's time. ((((Hugs))))
Incest at it's best.
My only suggestion is the Police and that is why she may not want to face the truth.
She can try a therapist but remember every healthcare worker is a mandated reporter.
She needs to find out as much as possible about the health of her mother and her family because if certain diseases are prevalent in that family she may be very likely to contact them. if you make this into a new question you will be like to attract more responses.
Everyone now calls it Alzheimer’s because one quickly understands what symptoms show up in the behaviour. But hardening of the arteries starts much earlier + so gradually , and it even depends of what part of the brain is affected the most, affecting the behaviour patterns exhibited...
We, as family members, initially get insulted, feel angry, but eventually should learn that we need to understand and forgive and manipulate the situations into what is most appropriate for all concerned... It makes for years of difficulties.... and I wish all those going on this path with a loved one, or not so loved one, a lot of patience and help, hoping we will not suffer eventually from the same “brain”-illness and thank the Lord for this blog to help ease this journey by seeing here,... we are not alone !!!...... I wish you well !!!
Dejavuagain..... thanks for your reminder about rye grain, and about toxins... just recently read about mycotoxins in grain and other food and how it is not killed off by simply boiling foods... but can be helped by adding ascorbic acid powder half teaspoon to certain food to kill the mold or keep mold from developing during storage... Yet I have not yet found Vit. C powder in stores . Have not checked if higher baking temps. would kill the mycotoxins ?... It is really unbelievable how opinions and lifestyles have changed.... My family actually thought we were eating very healthy food....
We had our own fields, where my grandfather made sure only natural fertilizer was applied in the fall to allow it to compost tilled into the ground. In the spring, 6 months later, it was tilled again, before seeding or planting took place... I think that passes for organic farming. If the potatoe beetles got bad, school would be stopped for a day or 2 and all children were out picking those beetles off the potato plants, there was no pesticide used........ yet I can't remember that the pigs were fed corn... I know the chickens were fed corn, but we only ate their eggs... never the chickens.... wonder if those eggs were affected by the reduction of conjugated linoleic acid... The geese were stuffed with soaked corn to fatten up prior to X-mas, a process which is now either prohibited or frowned upon severely, and we did not just eat porkmeat... we loved the lard, which for years I have now considered to be one of the bad fats... but then I would eat that stuff piled high on the 1/2 rye, 1/2 wheat bread my grandmother baked herself from our own-grown grain, milled into flour at the local old mill... the one you now only see in old pictures with the huge millstone, driven by the fast flowing creek......
We had our own organic fruit and vegetable garden, which we thought we were so lucky due to the WW II food shortages in the cities...
We even made our own butter... and I still have pillows with geese feathers my grandmother plugged from those christmas geese...... well different times different habits.... And now I am on Lipitor, avoiding Butter, and most fats except for first-pressed olive oil... and wondering if I should stay on it.... Without a doubt I think all that Scientists told us about what causes alzheimers is about to be turned on its head again. Is cooking food in aluminum pots still considered to be an Alzheimer's scourge ??? I think that's the only kind of pots we had then, or else enamel pots, ,which would always chip and then eventually had to be tossed due to rusty places in them....Now I am thinking the rust would not have been as damaging, as the aluminum....
Yet I do think that porkfat could be considered to be the culprit of clogged arteries in that era ... as you have not tasted anything better than those proscuto type hams my grandparent smoked in their own smoking oven... and would serve just about every night as supper in those times was that good homebaked bread, topped with the very bacon fatty+meaty part of those hams, along with mustard, pickles , radishes, tomatoes, and a glass of hard apple cider.... all self/oraganically grown and of course our big meal of the day was served at noon, often consisiting of Pork-braten... [pork roast with gravy]... and potatoes or noodles fried in porkfat........ jeeeeze...I'll quit reminiscing now....
and there is no doubt about those clogged arteries in my family, and many others from that area that I now know and then knew... Oh, Yes... that area was also known to be a goiterbelt, but we were mostly aware of that and were supplemented with Iodine... Some of those who did not supplement, walked about with goose-egg-size bulges on their throats, and bulging eyes.... Yet we all lasted into our 80s and 90s......... that would give me another 10 years... hopefully without loosing all my braincells......
I'll have to read Kiwani's text to morrow...... eyes fallling shut.....So good night for now, and I wish you all well !!!
Looking over this list of costume jewelry with high lead content makes me wonder how much of a part lead poisoning played in my mother's mental aberration, beginning around middle age with increasingly irrational behavior that made a horrific mess of family finances among other things, and gradually progressing until she hit full stride dementia a few years ago. She wore a lot of costume jewelry all her adult life, pretty much all of the brand names listed.
There are so many pieces to the puzzle....
I should emphasize that it is cattle that should never be given grain. (I'll bet those Omaha steaks were touted as being from "prime corn-fed beef.") Pigs are omnivorous and have no trouble processing corn, grain or kitchen leftovers.
To reiterate my reply to DHilBe, I meant to emphasize the fact that it was more likely an environmental toxin that was driving the townspeople to dementia, rather than the fats they ate. The effects of ergot have been documented down through history and can be devastating, causing stillbirths, gangrene, hallucinations and more. Entire villages have been known to get loopy after ingesting rye bread contaminated with the ergot fungus. In the middle ages hysterical people blamed their neighbors for bewitching them. In a later era, the ergot induced "acid trip" was taken as religious ecstasy. Of course it wasn't until modern medicine advanced enough that the source of all this craziness was identified.
I kept getting ads and offers from Omaha Steaks for several years after Mom passed on, and I kind of made a little ceremony of tearing each one of them up into little bitty bits and dumping them in the recycling bin, usually managing not to cry. The sadder thing was that Mom was a participant in the Nurses' Health Study, Cohort I, which I benefited from and she didn't.
One thing certain is that it was not the diet rich in animal fats. Healthy fat benefits the brain and the older one gets the more critical it is to protect the brain cells. It is the current mania for fat-free everything and prescribing statins to keep cholesterol numbers unnaturally low that has led to the epidemic of dementia in this country.
Pre WW2 the animals would have been raised on natural feed. Cows are especially problematic when fed corn and grains, a practice that became popular in the USA following WW2 in order to make use of excess grain production. Corn and grain-fed cows have drastically reduced levels of a cardio-protective nutrient called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which leads to heart attacks in humans and subsequently the knee-jerk reaction of reaching for statin drugs.
Dear Mamabear......don't know how you put up this long with this crazyness...... I feel with you... and hope you have been able to get help by now, since you wrote in @4/1, and now it's 4/18..... before I saw this text in my too full Inbox... and I agree also with all who say to get an Elder-Law Attorney. Often the initial meeting is free with them... but even if he can't help the immediate situation, he can point you in the best LEGAL future actions to protect your Dad and you, as well as he can clarify steps to get your stepmom help and how to go about it to avoid legal and financial problems ... and yes, don't be afraid to call 911 if situations get difficult that establishes a pattern for legal action verified by emergency and Police Depts. that keeps you in the clear as well as gets the best future help for your stepmom... I had to follow that path with my Dad, who had violent moments and would run out of the house, yet did not know the neighborhood and get himself lost.... at one point even tried to attack me... I still don't know what made him angry then.
Also, yes, the disposition of your stepmom has been due to a slowly developing "brain illness" (and I mean over decades) that creates what many folks call "meanness" .... but really is just a mental confusion and inability to judge situations, that puts the person into a defensive, fear mood, reacting in the "mean" mode...their mind cannot handle the immediate situation, they don't fully understand how to react to it, and just want it gone..... I went through this several times with patients and relatives, also with my Dad who passed @ 95, + who since his 60's showed ever increasing symptoms of dementia.... NOT Alzheimers.... I grew up in a South German village where many elderly persons eventually suffered from this lifetime animal fat rich diet induced dementia - which always was a combination of forgetfulness and downright meanness and extreme stubborness and showing ever-increasing selfish behaviour .... and families had to deal with it at home for years prior to WW II, (no Nursings Homes then) and even after the war... So I wish you a lot of patience, strength, and understanding of your stepmom's condition. Look at her as a Patient now, not a relative, it will keep you empathetic, not sympathetic one moment and upset the next moment and I hope she is no longer is in charge of your Dad's care, which is really beyond her mental capability now, and it would only get worse - there is not recovery from that slow brain deterioration.... ! I do wish you well !!!
I wish I could give you solid advice regarding the first issue, but that involves legal counsel at this point. As far as her driving, she has NO RIGHT to endanger others. You don't say how often she has "run into things" but I would think her insurance must be sky high by now if the incidents were reported. Has she (or her insurer) had to pay damages in the past?
I don't know anything about Tennessee's driving regulations, but you should be able to report a risky driver to the dept. of motor vehicles, especially if there is a paper trail of her past accidents. They would hopefully require her to come in and pass a road test to continue driving.
Oh, and find a legitimate doctor who is actually interested in helping. I hope you can get Stepmother Dear under control soon. Best of luck....
Explain the situation. In some states there are two offices of guardianship.
One for people who are on medicaid and have no assets. These guardians try hard but have really large caseloads. The guardians for people with assets have smaller caseloads and are very helpful. Like already mentioned you may need
legal help; but I think the state guardianships can help with that, too.