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Alpha3 Asked April 2015

How can I get some sleep?

My husband's incontinence is especially stressful for me during the night. He wakes up when he feels the urge to urinate and then pulls the depends off on his way to the bathroom, leaving a mess all the way. When I put a condom catheter on he will pull it off at night because he cannot remember what it is there for. The result is that by the time I wake up the damage is done and I have to wash him or give him showers and clean up the surrounding mess and the bed often twice during the night. Cannot get more than 3 hours sleep at a time and am going insane. I work from home during daytime which does not allow for much rest in between.

Chicago1954 Apr 2015
Also, talk to anyone that works on the floor, at a nursing home. They would have some hints.

Alpha3 Apr 2015
Thank you, Eyerishlass, for your very helpful suggestion. Have the physical therapist write a requisition for a potty chair and will set that up immediately. Even my husband agrees that this would help a lot. I will get another office plastic under-desk mat (have one at his place at the table) and cover that with towels to catch the spills. If it works it will be a life saver for both of us. Perhaps I can get a bed alarm, as well, to make sure I wake up in time to help him with this. It could save us a couple of hours of washing and changing every night - what a relief in sight!


soverytierd Apr 2015
My dad haa no colon. He uses the bathroom several times though the night.He also would fall which caused me waking the neighboe or waiting on the fire department or ambulance if he was injured.He also makes a mess because he cant pull his pants down if he did get there.This was becoming a 3 hour event on a nightly bases.
I got a bed alarm
My sleep is interrupted but have got last.
Oh and throw away bed pads are my best friend.
I hope you get some sleep.soon!

Eyerishlass Apr 2015
You need some sleep.

Have you considered using a portable potty chair next to the bed. This would give your husband less room to travel thus making less of a mess.

Good luck!


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