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Chumley Asked April 2015

How much money does a person in a NH get to keep out of SSI for monthly needs?

They have 2 insurance premiums to pay a month. Does that get deducted before the amount owed nursing home is figured? When we figured premiums and what the nursing home was charging it only left 37.95 per month for personal items. It is my understanding that they were suppose to have 60.00 a month for personal needs. Now I understand that has gone up to 75.00.

Chumley Apr 2015
Had to have the insurances to qualify for Medicaid at one time. I am going to cancel them as they are no longer needed since I am in a nursing home.

jeannegibbs Apr 2015
Are you on Medicaid? What insurances are you paying for?


pamstegma Apr 2015
For heaven's sake what insurance?

Chumley Apr 2015
Started 1-1-15 1065.00 SS, 924.93 nursing home left 140.07 for insurances that were 102.12 that left him 37.95 for the month for personal spending.
Started 4-1-15 1065.00 SS, 912.88 nursing home left 152.12 for insurances that were 102.12 that now leaves him with 50.00 for the month personal spending.
It has been reported to me by an Ombudsman that nursing homes have to leave me with $75 per month personal spending.

pamstegma Apr 2015
For Nebraska, the PNA (personal needs allowance) is $50 per month, but there is a bill in the legislature to raise it to $60, which has not yet passed.
Your patient should not have to pay any health insurance premiums if they are on Medicaid, so I will ask what insurance? And why only 37.95? What is being deducted from the current $50 allowance? $12.05 for what? newspaper? phone?


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