First let me say that I am not a blood relative of this man. He was married to my mother's sister. Both my mother and my aunt are dead. He has a sister and bunches of nieces and nephews in another state. None of them have anything to do with him. Ever once in a while he will call the sister, but she never calls him. He is 92 and still lives by himself and drives. When I was a teen, he would show me porn magazines and try to molest me every time he could get me alone. I detest the old man and when I was 19 I ran away and got married and moved to another state. Anyway, when he and my aunt got old, they moved close to me so I could take care of them. She was mean as a snake, but I helped with her till she died a few yrs. ago. They built a house on land that belonged to my mother and aunt. Before aunt died, she deeded the land to me. Uncle's name was never on the deed I recently found out. Now he expects me to pay the taxes and insurance on the house, which I have done since aunt died. Suddenly every time something needs to be repaired on the house, he wants me to pay for it. The other day he needed new tires on his truck and told me I should pay for them since I would get the truck when he dies. I flat refused that one. The old man has gobs of money in the bank. I guess he thinks he can take it with him. Anyway, my husband and I have taken care of feeding him and taking him to the dr. and all his catastrophies ever since my aunt died. Anytime he wants something he says he is going to leave us all his money, like he is holding it over out heads. Honestly I would just like to be rid of him and don't care about his money. I am just tired of being used by the old booger! I am 62 and don't want to spend the rest of my life tied to him. We just take care of him because he has nobody else and we feel guilty if we don't. He can stay in that house as long as he wants to, but I don't feel like I should have to maintain it. I really don't want it. I have a nice house and wouldn't want to live in it. We can't go very far away because he will have something happen, like he thinks somebody broke in his house and has the neighbors calling the police. Can I really be held responsible for this man since I'm not a real relative?
4 Answers
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If you don't, refer him to his sister and nieces who are, and have nothing more to do with him.
Either way nothing obliges you to keep him company in the flesh, so to speak.
But, clearly, feeling under obligation and then resenting it because he's not your 'real' uncle and anyway he was a nasty old perve back in the day is not working for you. Are you on speaking terms with his blood relatives? It would be helpful to confer with them about whose responsibility this elderly man's welfare is, exactly.