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sandy22 Asked April 2015

What do you do when disagree with doctors?

help me advice please mom in hospital took her off of her meds she has been on put her on zyprexa do not wANT HER ON THIS SHE IS MORE confused then ever I want to bring home continue her meds was on what can I do want to send her to pysch hospital to experiment I feel no she has dementia

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Apr 2015
The days where the doctor was God are gone. When we disagree with doctors we have the right to look for a second opinion.

I admire and respect the profession and have met countless professionals who are at the top of their game. Unfortunately, I've seen and coped with several who were either behind the times or had such a terrific opinion of themselves that there was no communicating with them.

Seeking a second opinion is sometimes necessary. Good luck with your situation.

Countrymouse Apr 2015
Um. It doesn't shed a whole lot of light, CMag!

Not everybody is blessed with the literacy and/or typing skills to produce elegant text, particularly under emotional pressure. Bear with them or not, as you please, but please don't criticise the grammar and punctuation of people when they are asking for help. It is unkind and unnecessary.


Countrymouse Apr 2015
Sandy, it's terribly difficult to stand your ground when hospital doctors gang up on you. How do you get on with your mother's PCP/GP? - because if I'd got into a fight with, say, my mother's cardiologist or neurologist that's who I'd turn to for help, support or, at the very least, a fair explanation of why the hospital wants to follow this course of treatment.

The hospital medics ought not to be dismissing your concerns, and they owe you a clear explanation of what they're trying to achieve for your mother. But at such a stressful time it is SOOOO difficult to insist on these things and keep your cool. If you don't like the GP idea, do you have a neighbour, friend or relative who could accompany you for moral support or assist you with advocacy for your mother? Or is there a liaison office at the hospital that supports patients' and relatives' advocacy?

Get back-up, in short. Best of luck, I feel for you.

glasshalffull Apr 2015
Recently Mom was in ER and needed to see a cardiologist (she has CHF) as she was having weird heart rhythm issues. the ER doctor said she needed to see cardiology. However the hospitalist who was assigned to admit her refused to order a cardiac consult. And put mom on meds for dizziness. They were going to release her without a cardiac consult, but I kept saying to her: "Mom, repeat after me, I am not leaving until I see a cardiologist". Finally we did get to see one, but only because we stood our ground.

I get very frustrated that medical folks often dismiss the caregiver and our knowledge about our loved one. We spend 24/7 and know what makes them sad/happy/angry/dizzy/etc or have experienced all those things with them. I am not just a family member. I know this person...not I just spent 5 minutes reading the summary and can make these decisions based on that and because I am the DR. If there was not a big problem, we still would have been at home!

vstefans Apr 2015
I find one of the biggest faults with us doctors is we are too quick to assume that I mean if an older person is not thinking or walking right, they assume it has been that way for a long time, and don;t think hmm, its a big change in function, maybe something had to have caused it that needs to be addressed. I have a few colleagues who just do not get it when it comes to recognizing and dealing with side effects and needs for lower doses in the elderly and those with low muscle mass. OTOH, very few of us get paid any more for prescribing more meds and any kind of kickback is illegal; in academic medicne we are not even supposed to accept drug company pens or lunches or anything beyond educational pamphlets. One factor that can be a real one is some qulity metrics look for the % of patients with a given condition who are taking the "right" medication for it, but that is mostly preventive medicine post heart attack or stroke, not psych meds. Zyprexa is an antipsychotic and can be either a Godsend or can have bad motor and cogitive effects, or both. Motor effects can be counteracted with a second medication if need be.

DO realize that most people do not get most side effects, or nothing would be left on the market :-) and keep a running list of definite side effects, especially if you can confirm them and they are to things that are most commonly used.

I think the reason you got questioned at first is that something happened that could have made someone ask if the previous meds were actually not working. I think all of us have had cases where the person thinks they are having a side effect but it is really the condition changing. I have people who come back after a surgery that was hopefully going to help their child walk - they may say something like 2 years ago my child was walking and now after the operation they can't anymore! But, what they are not remembering is that they had stopped walking and that is why they decided to have the just did not turn out as well as hoped.

Litldogtoo Apr 2015
1. Can you tell us what exactly is going on with your mother?

2. Why is she in the hospital?

3. What were her symptoms?

4. Why did the doctors feel the need for Zyprexa (generic form is Olanzapine)

Then we can go on from there.

pargirl Apr 2015
A few months ago there was a discussion about in home caretakers and how crooked they are. Well, it goes without saying that there are bad ones out there but just as many great ones. I feel the same way about doctors. My dad's doctors are wonderful, knowledgeable, caring people. When I had shoulder surgery I was given the name of "one of the best" orthopedic surgeons in the universe. I'm sure he has helped many people over the years but I wouldn't recommend that man if he was the last doctor on earth. Flip, arrogant, UNcaring man that I have ever met. Plus my shoulder is still messed up and that was 9 years ago. I did everything he told me and he just couldn't figure out why "I" wasn't cooperating and not getting better. Sooo, in my humble opinion I have learned you have to go with your instinct, get second opinions, and do your homework. This isn't the only doctor story I have but this isn't about me. It's about taking care of your loved ones and being their advocate when they can't do it for themselves. And vstefans.....thanks for the input and your 2 cents. Wish they would teach more about elder care in med schools.

notenoughtime Apr 2015
If she was better at home on original meds, ask why she's been switched to a drug that makes her worse.
If you feel the Drs. aren't taking the time to explain, then definitely go with your feeling and take her back home and put her back on her original meds.Unless she has an additional medical problem, then make sure they tell you clearly why the meds have changed.
Stand up for your Mother, make sure the Drs. give you a straight answer.
You are in charge, not the Drs., who sometimes treat the elderly in a manner they would never treat someone younger.
When your Mother can't speak up for herself, you must do it for her.

lindaz Apr 2015
Vstefans, I'm assuming you are a doctor. I do believe that doctors do NOT prescribe because they are getting a kick back from the drug companies...but why do they often NOT listen to the families of the one who is sick? My mom has recently died of Alz. and many of her "specialists" did not know how to deal with a person with advanced ALZ. They expected her to be able to answer questions and were terribly annoyed when my father an I tried to explain to them that she was unable to answer them....Do they not teach this in medical school or in residency???? Blessings to the doctors that understand, Lindaz.

bpositive3 Apr 2015
You need to stand your ground on this. At the very least ask some very specific questions of the doctor: why the meds change, what will be the benefit, what is the reason for discontinuing previous medications, what are other alternatives. Good luck, dear heart. It is not easy, but you will feel better for doing your best to fight for your loved one's best interests. Make sure the doctors have that in mind, too, and make sure they explain to you why they feel it is right. Do not be afraid to seek out a second opinion, either. Good luck. {{{{hugs}}}}

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