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jroseflower Asked April 2015

Does anyone know which adult diapers hold the most liquid in oz's?

Edahmen Apr 2015
Northshore pharmacy on line has awesome products and excellent help when you call. Their products are the only ones that haven't leaked. My husband "outgrew" Depends some time ago. No more wet beds or wet pants. They ship FedEx overnight with free shipping. They have all kinds of products to help deal with any level of incontinence. And they carry tab and pull on styles for men and women. Good luck!

littletonway Apr 2015
Molicare super Plus Adult Diapers holds about 50 oz of fluid. We used these for Mom overnight and they were awesome. Walmart use to carry them with free shipping. Not cheap but so worth every penny.


PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
Mallory there are and they dont. Google

Washable Adult Diapers, Medline Incontinence Briefs for Men and Women - Super Fitted

It will take you directly to the sites that sell them

malloryg8r Apr 2015
Wouldn't it be nice if the packages clearly stated this data. My mom used to wear Depends Silhouettes, recently switched to Always Discreet. But still dislikes the whole idea. She puts a flannel diaper booster inside (I believe they are a child's product) which are washable. For her these feel more comfortable against her skin. I suspect if there were a washable adult size flannel pant/diaper she would much prefer those, but I wouldn't trust that to hold an adult - quantity of urine.

jroseflower Apr 2015
It's a toss up between Wellness briefs and Abena Abri Form briefs - You can order them thru Walgreens and have them ship for free or order them thru North Shore pharmacy

JoAnn29 Apr 2015
My mother has one kidney working at half capacity. She cannot drink 64ozs a day. She always has a mug of green tea next to her that she sips on to keep her hydrated.

jmac656 Apr 2015
Tena super stretch briefs are great they hold a lot and they are breathable

nowmymomsmom Apr 2015
I guess it makes a diiference if the patient need briefs or tab style. If they can't easily stand to pull on or off I like the Tena's (they just came out with this new version about 6 months ago) all the CNA's loved them because they were so adjustable and did not leak. If the patient is ambulatory and can stand to step in and out then briefs are better!I agree, I also add a pad inside during the day for minor drips.

PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
Out of choice I prefer knit pants - they come in all sizes and then day or night pads long short blader bowel or both types of incontinence and they are just easier

PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
Oh god do you - I had about as much success with them as I did with disposable which were in their infancy 42 years ago. I get them on all right but as soon as mum stands they are at her ankles, which is fine during the day cos I can adjust them but if she gets up at night ...DISASTER lol

nowmymomsmom Apr 2015
I like the Tena Super Overnight -with velcro side tabs...look online to get a deal.....I buy them buy the cases and free delivery!

PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
Absorbency levels vary but are always stated well usually are! Hope that helps you.Parentgiving dot com has a selection and I am putting the likely volume below so you can judge for yourself

0-1000ml so from nothing up to 34 fl oz (US that is not UK)
1001-1500ml 34-51 fl oz (US that is not UK)
1501-2000ml 51-68 fl oz (US that is not UK)
1700-2099ml 58-71 fl oz (US that is not UK)
2001-2500ml 68-85 fl oz (US that is not UK)
2501-3000ml 85-102 fl oz (US that is not UK)

mL US fl oz
100 3.4
200 6.8
300 10.2
400 13.6
500 17
600 20.4
700 23.8
800 27.2
900 30.6
1000 34
1100 37.4
1200 40.8
1300 44.2
1400 47.6
1500 51
1600 54.4
1700 57.8
1800 61.2
1900 64.6
2000 68

DHilBe Apr 2015
Dear Suegirl--- Have you tried putting a little of her perfume onto babywipes and wiping one of her arms to let her feel the cooling comfort of such cleaning.....??? then let her do it all over her body. Some habits you can only adapt to... you can't change them... and fighting them only gets you arguments... to the point where she will dig in her heels.....
There may very well be a fear factor in her muddled mind, that she does not fully know how to express, or even understand herself... Baths do tend to present a major effort for many elderly and if they experienced a slipping incident - even a bit in the tub just once -, they do get very nervous of the chore. Use these wipes on the feet, under arms, and especially instead of toilet paper..... it will stop the “Stink”... and might even keep her from suffering “UTI s” {Urinanry Tract Infections}..!! Inadequate cleaning after voiding, does at some time lead to UTIs, that is just a matter of luck and time, which could even now be a chronic low grade infections, and they are known to affect mental behavior, often causing depressed behavior. Not even a bath can clean that area as well as a hydrogen peroxide or 91% Alcohol-wipe. Yet while the 91% Alcohol cleans fast and well and dries fast, it does have an unpleasant Odor and can at times burn a little bit. . HP has no Odor to speak of, but like water, takes a little longer to dry. If she does not accept these ideas from you, talk to her Doctor and his Nurse, prior to taking her to an office visit, and have the doctor “prescribe “ the hydrogen peroxide wipes telling her she has to use them to prevent UTIs, which she will otherwise invariably get...
Hydrogen peroxide wipes can be bought ready to use....... or more inexpensively buy a bottle of Hydrogen peroxide, and put it on ½ paper towels , or soak part of a washcloth and add some of her perfume to it, and let her wipe her body with that....... Both 91% Isoprolol Alcohol, and Hydrogen Peroxide will kill bacteria on the skin, thereby improve the body-"Aroma" ...
I would buy her some perfume or cologne, and empty ½ in to another bottle – then add HP to fill the bottle up, and present that to her with a good grade roll of paper towels........ and hope she uses that to wipe her self and have both HP and Paper towels sit permanently next to the toilet.........You may have to use it yourself, and then walk close to her to let her experience the fresh odor coming from your arms....
I just googled "Antibacterial body wipes"... and Walmart came up, showing a dozen different choices, one even Vanilla Coconut flavored......... so I hope you will find something....
I wish you good luck with a difficult chore.....that you can only win with love and little well meant deception as the fear of UTIs may make her follow doctor’s orders...with the added effect of decreasing body-odor, as well as keeping her skin in better condition... I f her skin tends to dry after these uses, a litlle lotion will remedy that condition...... Good Luck... I wish you well.....

Suegirl Apr 2015
Mom, will not take baths. We've. Had horrible fights. She puts clean clothes over stink, puts on perfume and thinks she's ok. She use to take baths every day. Any ideas on this.

DHilBe Apr 2015
.Abbreviations..??...... here we go again... not all of us grew up in this country to know what is " oz's " ? ... is that to mean " ounces ??? ".... 20 years of patient care, yet I would not be able to tell you the amount Depends absorb... I would just be happy that the kidneys are working fine, that the patient has about as much output, as Intake...!!!
I hope however, it is possible for you to adjust fluid intake, to drink larger amounts in the a.m.,... then lower the intake in the afternoon, and decrease it to an 8 oz glass only with evening medication, which should NEVER be taken with only a swallow or two... that means if the total fluid intake is 2000ml /day {about 8 each
8 ounce glasses, or approximately 8 each 240ml glasses} that means one deducts 6-8 ounces for the evening medication intake... that is 180-240ml, from the 1800-2000ml... that leaves 4-5 glasses of fluid before 12:00 noon, 1-2 glasses in afternoon and one with the last medication of the day... Many elderly can only muster about 6 glasses per 24 hr. period, and that includes liquids from all sources {Soups, Stews, yogurt, applesauces, Jello, an Orange, or plums, puddings} all that can be counted as % of liquid... and often if the elderly do not drink enough pure liquids, Jello especially and icecream will supply needed liquid ... hence if those items are given early in the day, there will be less urin during the night.. Also if depends tend to leak, one can take incontinence size Poise Pads, tape them to the inside of the depend before applying the night-depend. Those pads do retain the liquid well within them and may keep the patient from developing sores on the laying in too much liquid, and depending on the pH of the urine, will eventually compromise skin integrity, especially if the patient is on Warfarin, or other bloodthinners..... I do wish you well !!!

caregiver4all Apr 2015
Tranquility they have overnight and the ones for daytime use the most absorbant ones that can be ordered through a supply house.


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